
  • 网络Ruida;REIDA;Rita;Reda;CREATEC
  1. 瑞达的丈夫出门一个礼拜,我想该过去和她作伴。

    Rita 's husband is away for the week , so I thought I 'd go over and keep her company .

  2. 银瑞达反过来又对伊莱克斯(Electrolux)和ABB等工业企业及瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)施加影响力。

    Investor in turn wields influence over industrial companies such as Electrolux and ABB , and the bank SEB .

  3. 除了银德瑞达森和曼凯尔之外,北欧还给了我们史迪格.拉森,KarinFossum(非常聪明的作家)和JoNesb?

    Besides Indridason and Mankell , Scandinavia has given us Stieg Larsson , Karin Fossum ( brilliant ) and Jo Nesb ?

  4. 位于马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的Kinvey公司首席执行官斯拉维希?斯瑞达在看过该招聘广告后表示,亚马逊网络服务部门招聘前端开发人员并不奇怪。但他补充说,科技网站GigaOMPro关于亚马逊网络服务部门进军移动后端服务的报道完全正确。

    Sravish Sridhar , CEO of Cambridge , Mass . - based Kinvey , who looked at the ad , said the fact that AWS is looking for front-end developers is not a huge surprise but added that the GigaOM Pro report about AWS moving into mobile backend services was spot on .

  5. 你带着某物,是瑞达加斯特给你的。

    You carry something . It came to you from Radagast .

  6. 别跟我提褐袍瑞达加斯特。

    Do not speak to me of Radagast the Brown .

  7. 瑞达加斯特,是褐袍瑞达加斯特。

    Radagast . It 's Radagast the Brown . Well ...

  8. 是褐袍巫师瑞达加斯特。

    Well , that would be Radagast the Brown .

  9. 瑞达信息安全产业股份有限公司。

    Jetway Information Security Industry Co. , Ltd.

  10. 瑞达斯格瓦曾任联合国助理秘书长。

    Rudasingwa was an assistant UN Secretary-General .

  11. 薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。

    Vestal looked up to see Belfreda crooking a finger from the half-darkness of the hall .

  12. 如果这意味着更多的民警卫队和艾瑞达恶魔,然后死亡,无论是。

    If that meant the deaths of more Fel Guard and Eredar , then so be it .

  13. 瑞达织标有限公司城信为您服务,是您品牌之路完美的选择!

    Ruida Label Weaving Co. , Ltd works for your satisfactions , Ruida is helping clients establishing perfect brand status !

  14. 而与此同时,主管该市经济与发展的多瑞达。海登。古斯正陷入多家公司寻求经济援助的包围之中。

    Meanwhile , Dorinda Heiden-Guss , who heads the county 's economic-development group , has been barraged with requests from companies seeking incentives .

  15. 管理与预算办公室的官员在一份邮件中提到:“我们迫于时间压力,签署同意索林瑞达的贷款事宜。”另有一人抱怨:“我们就没有时间进行商议。”

    One email from an OMB official referred to " the time pressure we are under to sign-off on Solyndra . " Another complained ," There isn 't time to negotiate . "

  16. 瑞达装订材料有限公司是一家活页本装订设备制造以及装订耗材的生产企业。

    Ruida Binding Material co. , Ltd is located in DongYang which enjoys two beautiful names of " The Famous County of jinhua " and " The City with Picturesque Landscape " .

  17. 请,哇……请帮助瑞达队赢球,这样他们可以再加赛一场,请给我像望远镜那样的圣诞礼物,还有请照看我读大学的哥哥吉米。

    And please what ... and please help the Raiders win the game so they can make the playoffs and please give me some Christmas presents like a telescope and please watch over my brother Jimmy in college .