
  • 网络metalaxyl;Ridomil;Riclomil;Ridomil Gold
  1. 对白花曼陀罗花和叶的瑞毒霉添加回收率为73.56%~75.56%,RSD为0.48%~3.27%。

    The added recovery rates of metalaxyl in these samples were 73 . 56 % ~ 75 . 56 % . RSD was 0 . 48 % ~ 3 . 27 % .

  2. 药剂试验结果瑞毒霉为特效药。

    The results of medicament test proved that Ristella prevot is specific drug .

  3. 这说明黑龙江省分离的晚疫病菌已对瑞毒霉产生抗性。

    The results suggested that P. infestans isolates collected from Heilongjiang province have been occurred resistance to metalaxyl .

  4. 这说明吉林省和黑龙江省发生的晚疫病菌已对瑞毒霉产生抗药性。

    The results suggested that P. infestans isolates occur in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces have been produced metalaxyl resistance .