
  • 网络Electric power steering;electric power steering system;EPs;EPAS;MDPS
  1. 电动助力转向系统是把机械转向系统和一个受控电动机结合在一起,通过电机直接助力。

    EPS combines the mechanical steering system with a controlled motor . The motor provides direct assist , the assisted force to be controlled by ECU .

  2. 在此基础上,确定了电动助力转向系统的控制策略,并设计了电动机电流的闭环控制算法。

    And , based on the assist characteristic , the control strategy of EPS is described in detail and the algorithms is designed to control the motor current also .

  3. 基于H∞鲁棒控制原理的电动助力转向系统研究

    Steering system of electric power assist based on H_ ∞ Robust control

  4. 增强电动助力转向系统抗干扰性能的混合H2/H∞控制

    Mixed H_2 / H_ ∞ control for enhancing anti-interference performance of EPS system

  5. 自适应模糊PID控制器在电动助力转向系统中的应用

    Application of fuzzy self-tuning PID controller in electric power steering system

  6. 电动助力转向系统(ElectricPowerSteeringsystem,简称EPS),是汽车工程领域的热门课题之一。

    Electric Power Steering System ( EPS ) is one of the research focuses of automotive engineering .

  7. 基于转矩输入对电动助力转向系统应用模糊PID进行助力控制。

    Using fuzzy PID control strategy to assist motor control based on input torque .

  8. 分析了传统电动助力转向系统电机驱动电路H桥的优缺点,提出了基于智能功率开关的H桥驱动电路的一种优化方案。

    In this paper , traditional H-bridge circuit for Electric Power Steering System was introduced and analysed .

  9. 基于PI电流环电动助力转向系统的鲁棒H∞控制

    Robust H_ ∞ control of electric power steering system based on PI current loop

  10. 仿真结果证实,所设计的专家PID控制算法使电动助力转向系统具有良好的跟踪性和稳定性。

    The results show that PID control enhances the system 's tracing ability and stability .

  11. 基于Adams与Matlab的汽车电动助力转向系统的联合仿真

    Simulation of Electric Power Steering System for Automobile Based on ADAMS and Matlab

  12. 针对汽车电动助力转向系统是一个非线性的多输入多输出系统的特点,提出了H∞鲁棒控制方法。

    Aimed at the nonlinear MIMO system EPAS , the H ∞ Robust Control method was employed to design controller .

  13. 具有高新技术特征的电动助力转向系统(ElectricPowerSteering,缩写EPS),已成为轿车动力转向技术发展的主流。

    Electric Power Steering ( EPS ) system with high-tech characteristics has been the mainstream of the power steering technology development .

  14. 电动助力转向系统(EPS)电动机电流控制的研究

    Study on Control of Motor Current of Electric Power Steering System

  15. 基于ADAMS的电动助力转向系统仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Electric Power Steering ( EPS ) System Based on ADAMS

  16. 基于闪存的汽车EPS电动助力转向系统故障容错设计

    The Design of Electric Power Steering System Malfunction Concession with Flash Memory

  17. 电动助力转向系统(ElectricPowerSteeringsystem,简称EPS)有着传统动力转向系统无法比拟的优势,代表着动力转向技术发展的必然趋势。

    Electric power steering system has several advantages which the traditional power-steering system cannot compare with . It is the inevitable development trend of power steering technology .

  18. 提出了将基于模糊神经网络的PID控制策略用于电动助力转向系统中助力电机的控制。设计了电动助力转向试验台,并进行了电动助力转向系统的台架试验。

    A PDI control strategy based on fuzzy neural network is applied to the control of motor in electric power steering system .

  19. 电动助力转向系统(EPS)不是真正的按需型转向系统。

    Electric Power Steering ( EPS ) system is not a real on-demand steering system .

  20. 电动助力转向系统(EPS)是近几年来兴起的新型动力转向系统。

    Electric power steering ( EPS ) is a newly-developed power steering system in the recent years .

  21. 电动助力转向系统(EPS,ElectricPowerSteering)是将先进的电子技术和电机控制技术应用到汽车转向系统中,不以发动机作为直接动力源,而是用电机控制的助力转向方式。

    EPS ( Electric Power Steering ) uses advanced electronics technology and motor control technology in the steering system , the direct power source is not the engine but the DC motor .

  22. 仿真和试验结果说明:采用模糊神经网络结合PID控制的电动助力转向系统对提高汽车转向的轻便性和灵敏性有显著作用,且保证驾驶员在不同行驶车速下均能获得良好的路感。

    The result of simulation and test proves that the EPS with FNN & PID controller can improve the portability and sensitiveness , and keep good road-feel of driver at different speed .

  23. 电动助力转向系统(简称为EPS系统)是现代汽车发展的研究热点和高新技术之一。

    Electric Power Steering System ( EPS system ) is one of the research hot spot , high and new technologies of the modern automobile development .

  24. 而电动助力转向系统(简称EPS)可广泛应用于轻型汽车及高档轿车上,并可提高汽车的操纵灵活性。

    And that the electric power steering ( EPS ) is widely spread in small automobile and saloon car , and can improve maneuverability and flexibility .

  25. 在参考相关技术文献的基础上,建立了相应的系统数学模型,并对电动助力转向系统控制策略进行了分析研究,对数字PID控制和模糊控制进行了仿真分析。

    From the reference of concerned technical document , the paper established a mathematic model of the system , discussed the control strategy of EPS , and simulated the digital PID control and fuzzy control arithmetic .

  26. 为提高汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)的可靠性与安全性,提出将余度容错技术应用于EPS控制器的设计中。

    In order to increase the reliability and safety of automotive electric power steering system ( EPS ), apply the redundant fault-tolerant technology in design of EPS controller .

  27. 随着电子技术和电机控制技术的不断发展,电动助力转向系统(EPS)有取代液压动力转向的趋势。

    Along with the development of electronics technology and motor control technology , Electronic Power Steering ( EPS ) is the trend to replace Hydraulic Power Steering ( HPS ) .

  28. 将汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)模型、转向模型和主动悬架系统(ASS)模型相结合,建立了整车系统的动力学模型。

    Combining automotive Electrical Power Steering System ( EPS ) model and steering model with Active Suspension System ( ASS ), the paper set up a full car dynamic model .

  29. 电动助力转向系统(ElectricalPowerSteeringSystem)作为汽车转向技术中最具代表性的助力转向装置,其作用和优点受到越来越多的关注。

    More and more attention is paid to Electrical Power Steering System because of the significantly advantages and increasingly impact . Electrical Power Steering ( EPS ) is a kind of new motor driven steering technology , which is the typical power steering implement of the vehicle .

  30. 概述了电动助力转向系统(EPS)的结构和工作原理,并介绍了电动助力转向系统助力特性的设计方法。

    The structure and working principle of the electric power steering ( EPS ) system were summarized and the design method of the assistance characteristic of the EPS system was introduced .