
  • 网络Power increase;Specific Power;Kwl;Horsepower Per Liter;Power density
  1. 二冲程汽油机具有升功率大、机械损失小、结构简单、制造成本低以及便于维修等特点。

    Two-stroke engine has its intrinsic advantages in terms of high specific power , compactness , light weight , low cost , etc.

  2. 难点之二是升功率和降功率控制。

    The second difficulty are rising and falling power control .

  3. 动力机与压缩机的分离为动力机的热效率和升功率的提高提供了有效途径。

    The separation of power machine and compressor gives a available way of improving calorific efficiency and performance per litre .

  4. 现代发动机升功率在不断的提高,为了使发动机满足不断提高的性能要求,对发动机配气机构工作要求也越来越高。

    With the ever-increasing demands on the performance of the engine , the requirements of valve train is also getting higher and higher .

  5. 功率调节系统能实现:以恒定周期升功率和恒速降棒降功率。

    The regulation system can rise the power according to a constant period or reduce the power by dropping the control-rod in a constant speed .

  6. 近年来,为提高柴油机的充气效率,得到较大的升功率,降低排放,人们在进、排气和增压系统方面做了大量研究工作。

    In recent years , to improve diesel engine volumetric efficiency and reduce emissions , a lot of research work was done around the inlet , exhaust and boost system .

  7. 用此程序完成了降流量和升功率两项实验,实验结果表明:该程序能够满足核释热瞬态特性模拟的要求。

    Two experiments , raising power and lowering flow , were performed used that program . Experimental results show that the program can meet the requirement of real-time simulation of nuclear-heat-release .

  8. 目前国内设计生产的高强化柴油机在升功率、油耗和可靠性方面与国外同类机型还有较大差距。

    But at present , the domestic design and manufacture of highly-intensified diesel engine has more difference with the same as oversea ones in the terms of power , specific fuel consumption and reliability .

  9. 随着发动机升功率的不断提高,产生的热流密度也随之增大,普遍存在着发动机冷却液温度过高的问题。

    As the output per liter of engine is improving continuously , correspondingly the heat flux density in the engine increases a lot and the problem that the coolant temperature is exorbitant becomes prevalent .

  10. 在一定的升温范围,PAN基碳纤维毡的稳定温升与输入功率成正比;

    The temperature increment is proportional to the inputted power in a certain temperature range . Pan-based carbon fiber mat has temperature sensibility .

  11. 对直流母线的滤波技术和泵升电路电阻功率进行了分析、讨论及设计。

    Discussed DC bus filter technique , energy consumption resistance power and gaved its design .

  12. 电池受激光辐照产生的最大温升与激光功率密度成正比、与热耦合系数成正比。

    It is found that the thermal coefficient is proportional to the maximal temperature rising .

  13. 受照组织的温升和微波功率均自动记录以作临床数据。

    The temperature of heated tissues and the microwave power are recorded automatically in order to give Clinical references .

  14. 4C车身重2465英镑,采用1.7升发动机,额定功率为237马力,扭矩为259英尺-磅,拥有超高的动力-重量比。

    At 2,465 pounds and powered by a 1.7-liter engine rated at 237 horsepower and 258 foot-pounds of torque , the car has an extremely high power-to-weight ratio .

  15. 通过速度品质系数和载荷品质系数将垫升和驱动需求功率比与运输效率建立了联系,并且对最佳需求比进行了初略估计。

    It also built up the relations between the hovering and driving needed power ratio s and transport efficiency by the quality coefficients of velocity and weight , and estimated the value of optimum needed power ratio .

  16. 分析计算了2种传动绞车起升系统的效率与功率利用率,起升速度、起升功率及全井起升时间;

    Therefore , the author summarizes the drive properties of the hydraulic coupling and the hydraulic torque converter , and analyzes the efficiency and power utilization rate of the hoisting systems of these two types of drive drawworks as well as the hoisting speed , hoisting power and hoisting time .