
  • 网络Vam
  1. 本文对国内外矿井乏风回收利用技术进行了对比分析,重点研究了影响装置氧化率的因素和提高氧化率的方法。

    This paper introduces VAM mitigation and utilization technologies at home and abroad . Through comparison and analysis , factors influencing and methods improving oxidation rate of the equipment are mainly studied .

  2. 为达到节能减排的目的,如何利用矿井乏风是迫切需要研究的课题。

    In order to save energy and protect environment , how to utilize VAM is a subject that needed urgently to be studied .

  3. 并通过CDM效益的计算,对乏风氧化装置的八种运行方式的经济效益进行了分析,直观的显示了氧化率提高前后乏风氧化技术的投资回报。

    According to the calculation of CDM benefits , the economic profits of eight operation modes are analyzed , which shows the return of investment of the VAM oxidation equipment after improving oxidation rate .

  4. 煤矿乏风低浓度甲烷氧化处理实验研究

    Experiment Study of Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane Oxidation

  5. 乏风瓦斯中的甲烷提浓是其高效利用和减排的重要环节和难点。

    Methane enrichment is the critical step for the effective use of the coal bed ventilation air .

  6. 目前,热逆流氧化技术是实现煤矿乏风瓦斯有效减排和热回收利用的主要技术之一。

    At present , the thermal flow-reversal reactor is an effectively technology that realize recovery and utilization of VAM .

  7. 同时,乏风瓦斯的主要成分为甲烷,是优质洁净的气体能源。

    Meanwhile , the main components of ventilation gas are methane , which is the high quality undefiled gas energy .

  8. 煤矿乏风瓦斯是一种洁净且潜力巨大的能源,由于其主要成分甲烷的浓度较低,通常难以利用。

    The coal mine gas is a kind of clean and potential energy . It is hard to use because of the characteristics of low methane concentration .

  9. CH4MIN技术是在催化剂的作用下,促使乏风混合气体的温度升高到足以让甲烷发生氧化,从而产生热量。

    The temperature of mixed ventilation air increases to a sufficiently high level with the help of catalyst , so that methane is oxidized and produces heat .

  10. 热逆流氧化技术是开发利用煤矿乏风瓦斯的有效技术之一,它利用蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体氧化煤矿乏风瓦斯中的低浓度甲烷气体,同时将热量回收加以利用。

    The thermal reverse flow oxidation technology is an effective way to oxidize the lower concentration methane and recover the heat energy during oxidation process . The honeycomb ceramic regenerator is used in this technology .

  11. 淮南矿业集团制定的发展方向是将抽采的煤层气和矿井乏风作为绿色能源进行综合利用,变废为宝,减少大气污染,实现两个资源、两个能源共采。

    Huainan Mining Group will be aimed to make comprehensive utilization of drained coalmine methane and ventilation air methane as green energy resources . It is planned to turn the wasted into the treasured and reduce the atmosphere pollution to finally realize the jointly development of two resources and energy .

  12. 本文首先介绍了煤矿现场井下瓦斯抽排的实际情况,分析了井下瓦斯出口浓度、稀释后浓度以及乏风浓度在抽排泵工作时的关系,在此基础上设计出了控制方案。

    Firstly the paper introduces the real situation of the coalmine gas pumping-exhaust in the pit , and analysis relation of the gas-export concentration , diluted gas concentration and diluting gas concentration when the gas drainage pump in use , on the basis of which the control scheme is designed .