
  • 网络spent fuel rod;Spent nuclear fuel rods
  1. 朝鲜表示,它已恢复对取自核反应堆的乏燃料棒进行再处理,以提取钚,从而在该国本月早些时候发射一枚飞越日本上空的远程火箭之后,在外交博弈中进一步加大了筹码。

    North Korea says it has resumed reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods to extract plutonium , further raising the diplomatic stakes after it launched a long-range rocket over Japan earlier this month .

  2. 以上讨论完全建立在没有出任何差错的情况下,如果乏燃料棒的外壳发生了腐蚀,那么水中就可能会有些裂变产物。

    If there 's corrosion in the spent fuel rod casings , there may be some fission products in the water .