
  • 网络Kim Kye Gwan;Kim Gye-gwan;GWAN
  1. 据我了解,六方会谈的朝方代表团团长金桂冠已经到北京开始他的有关工作。

    As far as I know , Kim Kye Gwan , head of the DPRK delegation of the Six-Party Talks has arrived in Beijing and started his work .

  2. 他在美国驻华大使馆耗了四天,等待朝鲜谈判代表金桂冠(KimKye-gwan)对他在北京会面的提议进行回复。

    He spent four days touring US embassy offices in China waiting in vain for the North Korean negotiator , Kim Kye-gwan , to respond to his offer to meet in Beijing .

  3. 希尔在与中朝谈判代表武大伟和金桂冠(KimKye-gwan)进行了长达7小时的会谈后,在北京告诉记者:我们离目标还有一段很长的距离。

    We are a long way from our goals , Mr Hill told reporters in Beijing , after seven hours of talks with Wu Dawei and Kim Kye-gwan , his Chinese and North Korean counterparts .

  4. 朝鲜谈判特使金桂冠(KimKye-gwan)昨日抵达北京时也作出了类似的声明。虽然他也照常提出了警告,但这一迹象使人们对于此轮谈判的成果更为乐观。

    In a sign that will fuel optimism over the round , Kim Kye-gwan , North Korea 's nuclear envoy , made a similar statement on his arrival in Beijing yesterday , although with the usual caveat .

  5. 戴维斯在与朝鲜副外相金桂冠(KimKye-gwan)会晤前表示,关键问题在于朝鲜是否愿意遵守2005年达成的相关协议,放弃核计划,以换取粮食援助和安全保证。

    The key issue is whether North Korea is willing to abide by its 2005 agreement to abandon its nuclear programmes in exchange for food aid and security guarantees , Mr Davies said before talks with Kim Kye-gwan , North Korean vice-foreign minister .

  6. 金桂冠表示:我们准备讨论第一阶段的措施。

    We are prepared to discuss first-stage measures , Mr Kim said .

  7. 金桂冠说双方就美国把朝鲜从恐怖主义国家的名单上除名的问题进行了磋商。

    Kim said the two sides discussed the issue of removing the DPRK from a U.

  8. 金桂冠说,如果不满足这些要求,朝鲜将加强自己的核威慑力量。

    If the demands are not met , Kim said Pyongyang would strengthen its nuclear deterrent .

  9. 美国助理国务卿希尔先生和朝鲜副外相金桂冠先生近两天都在北京。

    US Assistance Secretary of State Hill and DPRK Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan are both in Beijing these days .

  10. 韩国媒体稍早报道说,金桂冠表示,双方不同的观点有了可观的接近。

    South Korean media reported earlier Kim saying there had been a " considerable narrowing of differences of views . "

  11. 新华社说,中国外交部副部长武大伟和金桂冠就结束平壤的核项目举行了会谈。

    The Xinhua news agency said Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei and Kim met for talks on ending pyongyang 's nuclear program .

  12. 北韩特使金桂冠没有透露会谈细节,但表示,彼此间依然存在分歧,双方正在努力解决。

    North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan did not provide details but said there are still differences that both countries are trying to work out .

  13. 昨天,武大伟副部长分别与希尔和金桂冠先生举行了会见,同他们就六方会谈下一阶段的有关工作交换了意见。

    Yesterday , Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei met with them respectively and exchanged views with them on the next phase of the Six-Party Talks .

  14. 金桂冠昨日下午离开北京返回平壤。作为谈判主办方,中国没有给出恢复谈判的日期。

    Mr Kim left Beijing for Pyongyang yesterday afternoon and China , the host of the talks , did not give a date for negotiations to resume .

  15. 希尔说,因为双方有足够的时间在北京会谈,因此他不打算通过这种途径与金桂冠进行谈判。

    Hill said he 's not going to negotiate with Kim Kye-Gwan through the media as the two would have " ample opportunity " to talk in Beijing .

  16. 伍德和北韩特使金桂冠都表示,虽然中国还没有正式宣布将在北京举行六方会谈,但是会谈没有理由不举行。

    Both Wood and North Korean envoy Kim in Singapore said there was no reason why the Beijing meeting should not go forward , despite the lack of an official announcement .

  17. 六方会谈的谈判人员现在都将希望寄托于美国助理国务卿希尔和北韩谈判代表金桂冠计划星期四在日内瓦进行的会谈。

    Negotiators in the six-nation process are now pinning their hopes on a meeting scheduled Thursday in Geneva between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill and senior North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan .

  18. 据报导,希尔和北韩谈判代表金桂冠本月早些时候在新加坡达成临时协议。根据这项协议,平壤虽然没有公布其核扩散项目,但是认同美国对这一问题的担心。

    Hill and his North Korean counterpart , Kim Kye-Gwan , reportedly reached a tentative deal in Singapore earlier this month under which Pyongyang , rather than making a declarative statement about proliferation , would acknowledge U.S. concerns about it .