
  • 网络Financial needs;financial demands
  1. 农村信用社农户贷款的实证分析与农户金融需求的满足&对安徽省农村信用社农户贷款的调查及其思考

    Positive Analysis on Farmer Loan of Rural Credit Cooperative and Satisfaction of Financial Demands of Farmer

  2. 但面对当前多样化的金融需求,我国的金融供给还存在着一定的问题。

    But faced with the present diversified financial demands , we can see the problems in our financial supply .

  3. 随着人们财富的不断增长,其金融需求层次也会不断提高,传统金融服务主要是满足普通客户对资金安全、流动性的需要,对银行网点、ATM机等便利与功能性的需要。

    With the growing wealth of the people , the level of their financial needs will continue to improve , and private banking financial institutions to launch mainly used to meet the financial needs of the customers with high-level financial needs .

  4. 消费视角下农村居民金融需求研究&以泰州为例

    Financial Demand of Rural Residents in Consumption Perspective-Take Taizhou as Sample

  5. 构建适应农村金融需求的小额信贷体系研究

    The Research on Microfinance System to Adapt to Rural Finance Demand

  6. 青海省农村金融需求与制度供给

    The Village Financial Demand and System Supply in Qinghai Province

  7. 县域经济发展导致县域金融需求展现出越来越明显的内生性,而县域金融供给则仍由政府主导,是完全外生的。

    County financial demand is endogenous from county economic development .

  8. 但是到底什么是过度的金融需求?

    But what is the financial excess demand , exactly ?

  9. 高端个人客户金融需求及商业银行对策研究

    Study on Large-scaled Individual Customer 's Financial Demand and Commercial Bank 's Countermeasures

  10. 农村居民收入与金融需求有着正向的关系。

    Rural poverty and financial needs of the residents have a positive relationship .

  11. 它详细阐述了金融需求和潜在的商业机会。

    It details the financial requirements and the potential of the business opportunity .

  12. 多样化的农村金融需求需要不同的金融机构提供服务。

    The diversification of country financial demanding required different financial organizations provide different services .

  13. 金融需求与供给互动研究&对我国部分地区商业银行金融创新的考察

    The Interact Research of Financial Demand and Supply

  14. 现阶段农村金融需求分析

    Analyses of Rural Finance Demand at Present Stage

  15. 社会资本的形成对农村居民的金融需求有着重要影响。

    The social capital have an important impact on the financial needs of rural residents .

  16. 您所有的金融需求将由我们为您合理安排、策划,满足您不同时期的各项需求。

    We arrange and plan your money income to meet various needs in different periods .

  17. 而目前现实的农村金融需求主要包括存款需求和贷款需求。

    But the present real rural-finance demand mainly includes the deposit demand and the loan demand .

  18. 陕西农户结构、金融需求与发展对策的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Structure and Financial Demand of Rural Household in Shaanxi and Development Policies

  19. 另一方面,农村的金融需求逐步发育,呈现多元化的趋势。

    On the other hand , the countryside financial demand grows gradually , tending to multiplex .

  20. 如果在金融需求一定的条件下,金融供给小于金融需求,则形成供给型金融抑制;

    Given finance demand , inhibition of supply finance arises if there is less supply than demand ;

  21. 民营企业内部的金融需求也越来越显现出个性化和多样化的需求。

    The Private enterprise internal finance demand also more and more appears personalized and the diverse demand .

  22. 农村金融需求直接影响农村金融服务体系的安排。

    Rural financial demand directly has an important effect on the arrangement of the rural finance system .

  23. 根据农村的实际金融需求来提供金融服务,将有利于推进欠发达地区金融改革。

    Providing service according to peasant real demand in less-developed areas can benefit less-developed areas financial reform .

  24. 农户的金融需求与中国农村的可持续发展&基于问卷调查的实证研究

    Farmers ' Financial Needs and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas of China : Evidence from a Survey

  25. 福建省欠发达县域农村金融需求调查研究&以寿宁县为例

    A Study on Financial Needs of Underdeveloped Rural Counties in Fujian & Taking Shouning County as An Example

  26. 改革的目标是:通过转换机制,完善体制,政策扶持等综合措施,逐渐增强信用社的可持续发展能力,从而能够适应和满足农民和农村经济发展的金融需求。

    The aim is : to achieve operational sustainability and to meet the financial need of rural development .

  27. 花旗集团成立于1998年,它是一种服务于客户的金融需求的新型金融服务组织。

    The formation of Citigroup in1998 created a new model of financial services organization to serve its clients'financial needs .

  28. 但随着经济发展和企业金融需求的多样化,它的潜在发展空间非常巨大。

    With the economic development and diversified financial demand of enterprise , there is huge potential room to develop .

  29. 据俄铝估计,低利率意味着金融需求占据了近四分之三的交易量。

    Low interest rates have meant that financial demand accounts for nearly three-quarters of trading volume , Rusal estimates .

  30. 结果发现,农村正规金融需求不足的原因,主要是由于需求结构和当前正规金融借贷成本较大所导致的。

    It is found that the reasons of it are demand structure of financial demand and larger cost of formal finance .