
  1. VaR方法在中国证券市场风险研究中的应用

    Application Research of VaR in China 's Securities Market Risk Analysis

  2. 基于AHP的中国证券市场风险测度研究

    Research of Chinese Stock Market Based on AHP Risk

  3. 本文通过对证券市场风险的各种度量技术的研究、比较,最终选定了目前金融风险度量技术的主流技术&VaR(ValueAtRisk)方法作为本文的研究方法。

    Through the study and comparison of these methods , the mainstream measuring technology , VaR ( Value at Risk ) is taken as the major methods in these paper .

  4. 基于Copula函数的中国证券市场风险度量

    Measuring China Stock Market Risk by Copula Functions

  5. 我国证券市场风险非对称性实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Nonsymmetrical Risk of China Securities Market

  6. 政府防范证券市场风险的行为研究

    A Study on the Government Function in Preventing Stock Market Risk

  7. 防范证券市场风险的相关问题探讨

    The Related Problem of Guarding against the Risk of Security Market

  8. 基于极值理论证券市场风险的相关性研究

    Correlation Research of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market Based on EVT

  9. 我国证券市场风险计量模型的构建

    New Model to Measure Risk of Securities in China

  10. 基于可拓策划方法的证券市场风险量化控制研究

    The Analysis of Extension Theory on Securities Market 's Quantified Risks Control Models

  11. 中国证券市场风险决策和管理

    Risk Decision & Risk Management in China Stock Market

  12. 中国证券市场风险分析与防范措施的研究

    Analysis of Risks Existing in China Securities Market and Study on Its Countermeasures

  13. 证券市场风险防范与可持续发展

    On Risk of Securities Market Precaution and Sustainable Development

  14. 证券市场风险度量与分析

    Risk Evaluation and Analysis on Security Market

  15. 第三部分主要分析证券市场风险管理的构架和模型。

    The third segment analyses principally the frameworks and models of security market risk management .

  16. 证券市场风险可以划分为系统性风险和非系统性风险两大类。

    The risk in security market can be divided into system risk and non-system risk .

  17. 第二部分说明了证券市场风险评估指标及风险管理层面。

    The second segment explains especially that the risk assessment index and risk administrative levels .

  18. 证券市场风险是客观存在的,但是是可以预防和控制的。

    The risk of securities market is objective , but it can be prevented and controlled .

  19. 我国证券市场风险现状分析

    Risk Analysis of Stock Market

  20. 我国证券市场风险收益特征的行为基础交易所国债期限风险溢价的实证研究


  21. 文章认为我国应该通过试点,待经验成熟后,再逐步推广,以控制证券市场风险。

    China should make further development of financial derivatives after achieving ripe experience so as to control the risks of stock market .

  22. 本文分四个部分,第1章对证券市场风险和系统性风险的概念、界定和内涵进行了一般性的描述。

    Chapter 1 to securities market risk and the systematic risk 's concept , define proceeds , meaning taking the generally describe .

  23. 证券市场风险已成为金融机构、投资部门以及广大群众关心的重要问题。

    The risk of the security market is an issue of concern to the financial institutions , investment sectors and the masses .

  24. 证券市场风险一般被定义为证券产品的价格波动性或发生损失的可能,这是一种客观风险的度量。

    Security market risk is generally defined as the price fluctuations or possible loss in securities , which is an objective measure of risk .

  25. 第二章主要内容是简要描述证券市场风险的定义、内涵、来源和特征,并对证券市场风险进行分类。

    In Chapter 2 , security market risk definition , meaning , source and its characteristics are briefly discussed , and security market risks are categorized .

  26. 本文通过从理论和具体投资实践两个方面剖析了我国证券市场风险和投资组合操作策略的问题,以期达到满足投资者高收益、低风险要求的目的。

    This article analyzes the risk of securities investment in Practice and theory ways to fill the higher returns and lower risk demand of the investor .

  27. 本文通过可拓学中可拓策划的基本方法,建立了证券市场风险量化控制模型。

    This article established securities market 's quantified risks control models by using the basic theory and method of a new develop ˉ ing science-extension theory .

  28. 本文分析了政府防范证券市场风险的行为特征,提出了健全政府防范证券市场风险机制的政策建议。

    The paper mainly analyses the government behavior in preventing stock market risk and presents the policy suggestions to improve the risk prevention system for stock market .

  29. 之后对证券市场风险溢出的机理进行了探讨,分析了证券市场风险溢出的内涵、原因、途径及特征。

    Then the mechanism for risk spillover is explored , the definition , reasons , channels and characteristics of risk spillover effect between securities markets are analyzed .

  30. 在这一部分,作者提出了一些较为实用和新颖的观点,这为我国防范证券市场风险,建立安全长效机制提供了参考,具有较强的现实意义。

    In this section , the author makes a number of new and practical points on the ways to prevent the risks of the securities market of China .