
  1. 证券交易行为的经济社会学分析

    On Securities Exchange Action : A View from Economic Sociology

  2. 是一种特殊的证券交易行为;

    The action is a special trading behavior of securities ;

  3. 影响证券交易行为有几个非经济性因素:社会资本是市场操纵行为的重要诱因;

    This paper analyzes the factors in securities exchange action : the social capital is the important factor to manipulate market ;

  4. 内部人交易是指掌握实质非公开信息情况下的证券交易行为,本文研究的内部人交易专指公司高管通过二级市场交易自己公司股票的行为。

    Insider trading is the behaviors that grasping the substance of non-public information under the Securities and do the Exchange . This study " insider trading " refers specifically to the behavior of company executives trading their own company stock through the secondary market .

  5. 操纵证券交易价格行为的法律规制

    The laws for the manipulation of market pricing of securities

  6. 中国证券投资者交易行为的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Trading Strategies of Chinese Security Investors

  7. 证券投资者交易行为的进化博弈

    Evolutionary Game Research on Trade Behavior of Security Investors

  8. 所有这些新特点又与传统的证券交易欺诈行为暗合表现出巨大的杀伤力和社会危害性。

    These new features , continued with the traditional securities exchange fraud , cause great damage to the society .

  9. 如何通过法律手段有效控制证券内幕交易行为,具有重要的现实与理论意义。

    It is very realistic and important on how to efficiently control " inside trading " by legal ways .

  10. 证券交易欺诈行为的法律适用:在有管理的市场中的证券交易行为,其各相关主体的行为应以适用交易所所在地法为原则。

    As for the negotiable securities cheat behavior , we should directly apply to the laws of place of exchange & Chinese laws .

  11. 证券内幕交易行为的表现形式比较复杂,在司法实践中存在认定与处理的困难。

    The act of inside securities transaction has complicated manifestations , so it 's hard to determine and deal with it in judicial practice .

  12. 此章主要从操纵证券交易价格行为之动因、主要行为方式及操纵证券交易价格行为的危害等方面入手,对操纵证券交易价格行为进行探讨。

    The subpart starts with the cause , primary action modes and the harm of securities , then discusses the actions of rigging trading prices of securities .

  13. 对于持有某种资产一定规模的机构投资者而言,其对这种证券的交易行为会导致证券价格的单方向变动,从而为投资者带来额外的交易成本。

    To the institution investor who take a large block security , his transactions will make the unidirectional change of the security price , which causes the additional costs .

  14. 根本性的问题在于,哪些行为构成银行的“自营交易”,特别是因为这涉及到为客户利益而进行证券交易的行为。

    At root is the issue of just what constitutes " proprietary trading " by banks , especially as it relates to the issue of making trades in securities on behalf of their customers .

  15. 再次,网上证券交易违法行为在行为方式、传播途径、传播速度、影响程度等方面与传统证券交易违法行为有着明显的差异。

    Then there are evident differences between new one and traditional one in the way of act , the route and the speed of transmission , and the influenced degree in the injuria of on-line securities trading .

  16. 呈多发态势的证券内幕交易行为背离了这一基本原则,也有悖于诚信,既损害了投资者的合法利益,也动摇了投资者对证券市场的信心。

    Increasing insider trading cases deviate from these principles , and also discomfort to the good faith not only does it jeopardize the interests of investors , but also diminish the investors ' confidences on securities market .

  17. 应用进化博弈方法,建立了证券投资者交易行为演化的进化博弈模型,分析了在长时期内投资者交易行为的动态演化过程。

    In the paper , we build up an evolutionary game model of the trade behavior of security investors based on the method of evolutionary game theory , and analyze its dynamic evolutionary process for a long time .

  18. 本文应用进化博弈方法,建立了开放市场条件下证券投资者交易行为演化的进化博弈模型,并通过实证研究,分析了我国证券投资者行为进化的动态演化过程及其均衡点。

    In the paper , applying the method of evolutionary game theory , we build up an evolutionary game model of the trade behavior of security investors in opening market , and analyze its dynamic evolutionary process through experiential research , basing on security market in China .

  19. 当证券内幕交易行为发生后,如何对遭受损害的投资者进行合理的补救,如何建立适当的证券民事责任制度来维护证券市场的公平、公正、公开原则和保护投资者权益首当其冲成为当前亟待解决的问题。

    When securities insider trading occurred , how rational investors suffer damage remedy , how to establish appropriate securities securities market civil liability regime to maintain a fair , just and open principles and the protection of the rights of investors has become the first to be solved problem .

  20. 第四章在对我国证券交易市场操纵行为的原因与特点进行分析之后,基于事前预防的考虑,着力研究操纵行为的预防与监管机制;

    Chapter IV will deal with the preventive mechanism of manipulation .

  21. 笔者对美国和德国的证券市场内幕交易行为的监管作了比较研究。

    The writer made a comparison between US and Germany .

  22. 证券市场内幕交易行为分析我国股市内幕交易行为研究

    An Analysis of Insider Trading of Our Stock Market

  23. 禁止欺诈、内幕交易和操纵证券交易市场的行为。

    Cheating , insider trading , and manipulation of stock markets are prohibited .

  24. 买卖股票不是简单的民事财产处分行为,而是当前最为复杂的金融市场中的证券投资、交易行为。

    Purchasing and selling stock is not a simple act of disposing civil property , but the most complicated stock investment and transaction on the financial market .

  25. 从交易制度规则、券商经营思想、券商经营方式三个方面分析了网上证券交易对券商行为的影响;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes its impact on business of securities companies from three aspects namely exchange systems , operation thoughts and operation actions of securities companies .

  26. 利用未公开信息交易罪的出台正是针对资本市场中常见的金融机构从业人员及监管机构或行业协会工作人员利用其信息优势违规从事相关证券期货交易的行为。

    The introduction of the crime of trading on undisclosed information is aimed at punishing rule-breaking trading by employees of financial institutions and staff of regulatory agency or relevant industry associations using their information superiority in the relevant securities and futures .

  27. 第一条为了规范证券发行和交易行为,保护投资者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。

    Article I. The formulation of this law aims to regulate stock issuance and transactions , to protect investors ' legitimate rights and interests , to safeguard economic order and public interests of the society , and to enhance the development of the socialist market economy .

  28. 证券内幕交易罪的行为对象是内幕信息。

    Securities act of the crime of insider trading is insider information .

  29. 我国证券市场的壳交易行为分析研究

    Studies on the Shell Transaction behavior in the Stock Market of our Country

  30. 中国证券投资基金经理交易行为的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Trading Behavior of Investment Fund Managers of Chinese Security