
  1. 中间件在证券集中交易系统中的应用研究与实现

    A Research and Realization of Middle Ware on Security Concentrated Exchange System

  2. 证券集中交易系统探析

    Analysis on Centralized Trading System for Securities

  3. 证券集中交易系统单点故障排除方案的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of " Single-Point Failure-Recovery Project " for System of the Centralized Securities Exchange

  4. 目前,分布式处理技术和Client/Server体系结构已经日益成熟,分布式多层体系结构成为构造证券集中交易系统的上佳选择。

    Now the distributed processing technique and Client / Server architecture have been matured . Therefore the distributed tier architecture is the better choice for creating a security integrative exchange system .

  5. 为应对证券集中交易中的高突发和高集中访问,业务平台的集群服务应具备一定的自我配置、自我优化、自我恢复和自我保护的自适应功能。

    In order to meet the demand of high sporadic and high concentrative visiting in trade , cluster service should have some adaptive ability of self-configuration , self-optimization , self-recovery and self-protection .

  6. 论文从提高业务平台集群服务自适应能力的角度出发,详细介绍了证券集中交易自适应业务平台中集群服务的设计和实现。

    From the view of improving the adaptive ability of cluster service of the activity platform in stock concentrative trade system , this thesis introduces the design and implementation of which in particular .

  7. 基于多维度的客户分析、经纪人分析、营销分析将成为主导券商数据仓库建设的主要任务之一,数据仓库和证券集中交易等系统一起构成完整的客户服务平台。

    The analysis based on multi-dimension customer and boker and sailing is to be one of the main task for leading security corporation , and the data warehouse and the centralized exchange system form the platform for customer service .

  8. 上市公司协议收购是指投资者为了取得对于某上市公司的控制权,而在证券集中交易场所以外通过私下协议的方式受让该上市公司股份的行为。

    Acquiring a listed company by agreement can be defined as follows : in order to get the control of a listed company , an investor tries to buy enough shares of the target company by private agreement from outside of the Stock Exchanges .

  9. SW证券公司集中交易实施模式研究

    The Research of Concentrated Trade Implementation Mode in SW Securities Company

  10. 本文的创新点在于:完整提出了SW证券公司集中交易的实施模式。

    The textual innovation point lie in : The integrity proposed the SW securities company agglomeration transactional implementation mode .

  11. 证券公司集中交易与传统交易模式之比较

    A Comparison of Integrated and Conventional Transactions by Brokerage Firms

  12. 证券公司集中交易系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Centralized Trading System in Securities Company

  13. 证券公司集中交易模式下的计算机系统集成设计

    The Computer System Integration Design of Concentrated Trading Patterns of Securities Firms

  14. 证券网上集中交易系统性能优化的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Optimization of Online Concentrated Trade System Performance in Securities

  15. 证券公司集中交易设计

    Design of Centralized Exchange Model in Securities Business

  16. 上市公司收购是公司收购的一种,它与一般公司收购的主要区别在于被收购公司的不同,它收购的是其股票在证券交易所集中交易的上市公司。

    Acquisition of a listed company is a kind of takeover of corporations and it is different from the general takeovers in the acquired company . It is the acquisition of those listed companies whose shares are intensively traded on the Stock Exchange .

  17. 论证券集中市场信用交易制度

    On Credit Trading System of Securities Central Trading Centre

  18. 第一百零三条进入证券交易所参与集中竞价交易的,必须是具有证券交易所会员资格的证券公司。

    Article 103 . The securities companies that participate in collective trading through bidding at a stock exchange must be those that hold stock exchange membership .

  19. 第九十五条证券交易所是提供证券集中竞价交易场所的不以营利为目的的法人。

    Article 95 . The stock exchange is a non ? profit legal entity which provides a venue in which securities are collectively traded by bidding .

  20. 在接下来的第二部分,笔者着重分析了证券交易的诸多的特点,并通过分解证券集中交易的过程和探究合同的本质要件论证了证券交易合同的存在;

    In Second Part , the author focuses on diversified character of securities transaction and demonstrates the existence of securities contract by analyzing centralized transaction process and essential elements of contract .

  21. 交易:开放式基金在证券交易所上市后,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所内以集中交易方式买卖基金份额的行为。

    Trade : refers to the acts of the investors to trade the unit fundsfunds unit by centralized transactions through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges after the open-ended funds are listed at stock exchanges .

  22. 在证券投资领域,随着网上证券交易业务的发展,营业部功能逐步退化,证券交易通过集中交易系统来完成。

    In the field of securities investment , because of the development of online securities trading business , the function of department is degenerating gradually . More and more securities trading activities carry through centralized trading system .