
shānɡ yè ɡuàn lì
  • business practice;mercantile usage;trade custom;trade usage
  1. 健全良好的商业惯例和最高商业道德标准;

    Sound and good business practice and the highest standards of business ethics ;

  2. 但按照商业惯例赠送小额广告礼品的除外。

    Eexcept for some small advertising gifts in small amount according to business practice .

  3. 投入不够以及对对外商业惯例知识的不足会对一个人成功造成很大的威胁。

    A lack of empathy for and knowledge of foreign business practices are deterrents to one 's success .

  4. “粘地板”指的是一种不正规的商业惯例,让员工长年累月地拿着很低的薪水而又不给其任何晋升机会。

    Sticky floor refers to unofficial business practices that keep workers in low-paying jobs that offer little chance for personal advancement1 .

  5. 1-b签证允许企业以美国的商业惯例培训雇员,并在美国向已经转移至印度的业务提供支持。

    The h1-b visa allows companies to train employees in US business practices and provide support in the US for operations that have moved to India .

  6. Buvinic说,妇女遭遇的障碍因国家而异,这些障碍有可能是文化方面的,法律方面的,或者是根深蒂固的商业惯例或风俗习惯造成的结果。

    The barriers women encounter vary from country to country and may be cultural , legal , or the result of ingrained business practices or customs .

  7. 巴黎检方证实,Uber法国公司及其在欧洲的两名顶级高管将于9月30日受审,罪名是“误导商业惯例”和“共谋非法出租车业务”。

    Uber France and two of its top executives in Europe are to stand trial on September 30 on charges of " misleading commercial practices " and " complicity in the illegal exercise of the taxi profession , " the Paris prosecutor 's office has confirmed .

  8. 监督公司对行为规范和商业惯例的遵循程度。

    Monitor compliance with the corporate code of conduct / business practices .

  9. 管制限制性商业惯例的一套原则和规则

    Set of Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices

  10. 大公司是否跟随道德商业惯例?

    Do the large corporations follow ethical business practices ?

  11. 项目所在地将会影响课程讲授的文化、法律、监管和商业惯例。

    Location will influence the culture , laws , regulations and business practices taught .

  12. 限制性商业惯例问题政府间专家组

    Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices

  13. 它认为,苹果公司是一个垄断,在从事不公平商业惯例。

    It argued that Apple is a monopoly that engaged in unfair business practices .

  14. 商法最初表现为商业惯例和习惯。

    At first , the commercial law exists as the business practice or the custom .

  15. 卡拉威高尔夫公司的所有供应商均承诺信守以下符合社会责任的商业惯例。

    This Agreement demonstrates commitment to socially responsible business practices by Callaway Golf 's Suppliers .

  16. 贸发会议限制性商业惯例信托基金

    UNCTAD Restrictive Business Practices Trust Fund

  17. 一点折扣也不给恐怕与商业惯例不符吧。

    I am afraid It go against the usual commercial practice not to allow any discount .

  18. 国际商业惯例委员会

    Commission on International Commercial Practices

  19. 限制性商业惯例会议

    Conference on Restrictive Business Practices

  20. 开放源代码软件倡导自由和开放的精神,完全打破了以往的商业惯例。

    It advocates the spirit of freedom and openness , and breaks the old business practices totally .

  21. 在上述两种情况下,仲裁员均应考虑到合同条款和商业惯例。

    In both cases the arbitrators shall take account of the terms of the contract and trade usages .

  22. 在一个僵化商业惯例盛行的国家,李书福显得友好、亲切与感性。

    In a country where stiff business protocols are de rigueur , he is friendly , tactile and emotional .

  23. 新的企业将会按照国际标准及最好的商业惯例来运作,以优惠的价格来打造最高品质的产品。

    New Business to be run to International Standards & best business practices producing top quality product at affordable prices .

  24. 约四分之一的受访企业表示,它们已经因此对中国地区的商业惯例或奖金安排做了一些调整。

    About a quarter said they had already made changes to commercial practices or incentives in China as a result .

  25. 协会的承诺对道德商业惯例和消费者服务作为它的品行规范。

    The cornerstone of the Association 's commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service is its Code of Ethics .

  26. 他提到,日本的商业惯例和文化是一种劣势,因为这些方面与中国的差别很大。

    He cites Japanese business practices and culture as a disadvantage , as these can be quite different from Chinese ones .

  27. 协议规定香港的基本法令、法律,以及商业惯例乃至经济的运行方式,不会改变。

    The agreement is that the basic statutes , laws and commercial practices and the running of economy is not to change .

  28. 在长期的发展过程中,信用证商业惯例与法律制度相互作用,一并丰富和发展。

    In the long history of its development , letter of credit , interacting with legal system , enrich both of their content .

  29. 然而,如果没有训练有素、精明强干和诚实守信的会计专业人才,透明度和充分的信息披露不可能成为自觉的商业惯例。

    Transparency and adequate disclosure can not , however , become established business practices without well trained , competent , and honest accounting professionals .

  30. 但是,控制费用的目标也同时要求技术的进步,商业惯例的创新和新的供应链管理方法。

    However , achieving cost targets will at the same time demand technical innovation , new business practices and fresh approaches to supply-chain management .