
  • 网络draught;Checkers
  1. 它们是国际跳棋及黑白棋游戏无可争辩的冠军。

    They are the undisputed champions in draughts and Othello .

  2. 他们在下国际跳棋。

    They are playing a game of draughts .

  3. 他正和艾伯特在书房的炉火旁下国际跳棋。

    He was in the study playing draughts by the fire with Albert .

  4. 他们让一些小群体做了很多的思维测试,然后在电脑上玩国际跳棋。

    They asked small groups to do a variety of mental tests and then play a computer in a game of draughts .

  5. 这本书“国际跳棋课程”是丰富辅以图表加以说明,并包含了大量的练习和解决方案。

    The book " A course on draughts " is richly illustrated with diagrams and contains a large amount of exercises and solutions .

  6. 该技术已经非常成功地用于国际象棋,跳棋,或奥瑟罗等游戏。

    This technique has been very successful for games such as chess , draughts , checkers , or Othello .

  7. (国际象棋或西洋跳棋)浅颜色的棋子。

    ( chess or checkers ) the lighter-colored pieces .

  8. 这项起源于500多年前的中国明朝时期的游戏,成为了继国际象棋、桥牌、国际跳棋、围棋和象棋之后的第六项国际智力运动。

    The tile game , which originated in Ming Dynasty China five hundred years ago , joins the ranks of traditional mind sports : Chess , Bridge , Draughts , Go and Xiangqi .

  9. 最近麻将正式获得了国际智盟认可,成为继桥牌、国际象棋、围棋、象棋和国际跳棋之后的第六项智力运动。

    Mahjong recently became the sixth officially-recognized ' mind sport ' by the International Mind Sports Association ( IMSA ) , following bridge , chess , Go , Chinese chess and international checkers .