
  1. 鲁肯勋爵的书桌制作于约200年前,用料是蔷薇木和郁金香木,桌面嵌有一张皮制吸墨纸,四周镶嵌着精细的花叶图案。

    Lord Lucan 's desk was made about 200 years ago from rosewood and tulipwood . It has a built-in leather blotter surrounded by a marquetry pattern of leaves and flowers .

  2. 以制造机械人视觉的技术,《惊魂记》的经典淋浴场景被分为五十二段,分别嵌于五十二张扑克牌上。

    Using technology developed for robot vision , the iconic shower scene in Psycho is mapped on to a deck of cards , each of the52 shots that make up the scene appear on an individual card in a deck .

  3. 他身上露在外面的皮肤被太阳晒得漆黑,甚至连他的嘴唇都是黑的,那双淡黄色的眼睛嵌在这样一张黝黑的脸上非常引人注目。

    His skin , wherever it was exposed , was burnt by the sun ; even his lips were black ; and his fair eyes looked quite startling in so dark a face .