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  1. 他发给每人四张牌。

    He dealt each player four cards .

  2. 一副牌里四张牌面只有一个牌点的扑克牌中的一张。你的车号牌在哪里?

    One of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face . Where 's your number plate ?

  3. 四张蓝色牌背的扑克牌在观众面前一张一张的自动反转,最后更一次过的全部反转了。

    Four blue back cards are reversed one by one magically , and finally all of them are reversed in a sudden .

  4. 如果有四张不同的牌面,则有一对。

    If there are four different faces , there is one pair .

  5. 空出的可用单元越多,就越容易移动长串并快速来回移动牌;空出四个可用单元表示您有可移动四张牌的临时场所。

    With more free cells , it 's easier to move long runs and shift cards around quickly ; having four cells free means you have temporary spots for four cards .