
  • 网络Four people;four great physicians
  1. 第三阶段为理论创新及特色形成阶段(宋金元),以金元四大家刘完素、张从正、李杲、朱震亨的刺血成就为其代表;

    The third stage is of theory-creating and characteristic-forming ( Song , Jin , Yuan Period ), and the achievement of four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan Period is know as its representative .

  2. 长江中下游鲢鳙草青四大家鱼线粒体DNA多样性分析

    Diversity of mitochondrial DNA in the populations of silver carp , bighead carp , grass carp and black carp in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

  3. 赣江中游四大家鱼产卵场现状初步调查SWOT分析在旅游规划中的应用&以江西赣州为例

    Spawning Sites of Four Major Chinese Carps in the Middle Reaches of Ganjiang River SWOT analysis in tourism planning

  4. 香港标准水务案件与SEC起诉四大家的案件在性质上基本上相同,而且可能会在香港市场引发危机。

    The Hong Kong proceedings ares virtually identical to the SEC allegations against the big four , and may create a crisis in the Hong Kong markets .

  5. 其中,乔治·艾略特因其以道德的严肃探讨及正视人生经验的开放胸襟而被当代英国批评家F·R·李维斯列为英国文学史上的伟大传统四大家之一。

    Among them George Eliot is listed by the contemporary English critic F. R. Leavis as one of the four " great English novelists ", for her serious discussion of morality , and her broad mind towards human experience .

  6. 总体来看,四大家鱼在洞庭湖出现时间为7-11月。

    Four major Chinese carps occur during July-November in Dongting Lake .

  7. 塑业四大家聚焦大中华&英国、德国、意大利和日本塑料行业协会访谈录

    Uk , German Italy and Japan reviewing plastics industry in China

  8. 南宋诗坛四大家与江西诗派之关系

    The Four Greatest Poets in Southern Song Dynasty and the Jiangxi Poetry School

  9. 四大家鱼的微卫星以二碱基重复序列为主。

    The micro-satellites of four major Chinese carps are main two-base cycled sequence .

  10. 四大家鱼鱼卵受精率计算方法的探讨

    Study on the Method of Calculating Egg Fertilizing Rate for Four Domestic Fishes

  11. 本章承第三章,从晚清四大家和近代的词学家对小山词的研究中进一步梳理出这一时期对《小山词》的接受情况。

    In order to show the Xiaoshan Ci research findings in these periods .

  12. 赵孟頫与元四大家

    Zhao Mengfu and Four Master Painters of Yuan Dynasty

  13. 汉江中游江段四大家鱼产卵场现状的初步研究

    Spawning Sites of Four Major Chinese Carps in the Middle Reaches of Hanjiang River

  14. 晚清四大家词学与词作研究

    A Research on the Ci Studies and Works by Four Masters in Late Qing Dynasty

  15. 论元诗四大家

    On Four Great Poets of Yuan Dynasty

  16. 汉江中下游四大家鱼自然繁殖的生态水文特征

    Eco-hydrological Characteristics of Four Major Chinese Carps on Nature Spawning Conditions in the Mid-lower Hanjiang River

  17. 长江瑞昌江段四大家鱼鱼苗捕捞现状分析

    Analysis on catching fry of four major Chinese carps in the Ruichang section of Yangtze River

  18. 四大家鱼以外的鱼种产量所占比重达75%。

    The output of species other than " Four people fish " accounted for up to 75 % .

  19. 张子和是我国金元时期著名医家,为“金元四大家”之一。

    Zhang Zihe , an outstanding physician , is one of the four schools of the Jin-yuan Dynasty .

  20. 长江水系四大家鱼种质资源的保护和合理利用

    Protection and rational utilization of the germplasm resources of the four major Chinese carps in the Yangtze River System

  21. 苏轼作为书法“宋四大家”之首,其成就十分显著。

    As the head of " the Top Four " in handwriting in Song dynasty , SU Shi achieved outstanding achievements .

  22. 长江中游四大家鱼发江生态水文因子分析及生态水文目标确定

    Study on the eco-hydrological factors and flow regime requirement on spawning of four major Chinese carps in the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  23. 本试验通过对四大家鱼鱼卵受精率计算方法的初步研究,得出如下结论:(1)计算家鱼鱼卵受精率的取样时间为卵裂期,尤以桑椹期为佳。

    The experiment showed that the sampling periods for calculating the egg-fertilizing rate are clearage stage , whereas , morula stage is best .

  24. 倪瓒是元画四大家之一,同时也是当时诗坛巨擘。

    Nizan is one of the four famous painters in Yuan Dynasty ; he is also the master of poetry at the same time .

  25. 清代《说文》学“四大家”中成就最高、影响最大的是段玉裁。

    Of the four most famous schools of Shuo Wen in the Qing Dynasty , the greatest achievements and influence is Duan Yu Cai .

  26. 草鱼,中国四大家鱼之一,在我国大宗淡水鱼类养殖中占据举足轻重的地位。

    Grass carp ( Ctenophaiyngodon idellus ), one of four chinese carps , occupies a pivotal position in conventional freshwater fish industries of China .

  27. 四大家鱼幼鱼的微耳石短半径和日龄均呈显著的线性关系,和体长、体重也均呈显著线性关系。

    Short radius of lapillus of juveniles was all in a linear correlation with the daily age , as well as body length and weigh .

  28. 杨载是有名的元诗四大家之一,在四大家中,以往人们对他的关注相对较少。

    Yang Zai is one of the four great poets in Yuan dynasty , and people in the past took relatively less attention to him .

  29. 经过比较分析后的结果表明抚河福州段四大家鱼的遗传多样性较为丰富。

    The result of our study indicated that the four major Chinese carps in the Fuzhou reaches of Fu River had abundant genetic diversity . 5 .

  30. 这样的画风和思想不但直接影响元末四大家,对后世明清画家以及近代的画家也有深远影响。

    This style not only directly affect the Yuan Dynasty Four , the later Ming and Qing painters and modern artists also have a profound impact .