
sì fēn yīn fú
  • quarter note;crotchet
  1. 八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。

    Quavers , crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music .

  2. 再加一个符点则在原来基础上增加一个四分音符。

    A second dot added after the first dot increases the value of the original note by a further quarter .

  3. 半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。每小节有四个四分音符或与其相当的音乐时值。

    A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver . a time signature indicating four beats to the bar .

  4. 加在音符上的一个实质上还不到一个四分之一音符的十字型符号.数字线划图与正射影像精确叠加方法的研究

    A cross stroke added to a note that is less than a quarter note in value . Study on the Method of Overlap for DLG and DOM

  5. 发舒适音和真声最低音时男女间Jitter值有差异。每小节有四个四分音符或与其相当的音乐时值。

    Jitter of comfortable voice and the lowest true voice between male and female showed statistically significant difference . a time signature indicating four beats to the bar .

  6. 犯罪这个乐器的全部音阶,有四分之三的音符谁若是触响了都会被处死。

    The sounders of three-fourths of the notes in the whole gamut of Grime , were put to Death .

  7. 例如,一个四拍的曲子可以包含一个全音符,它可以是全部的四个节拍,可以是每两个节拍的两个二分音符,可以是每个节拍的四个四分音符,等等。

    For example , one four-beat measure could contain a single whole note held for all four beats , two half notes of two beats apiece , four quarter notes of a beat each , and so on .