
sì lèi fèn zǐ
  • four kinds of elements ;person belonging to one of the above categories
  1. 论述了食品分子加工技术的生物学原理,简要地介绍了营养、特色、保健和超级四类食品的分子加工技术的原理和方法。

    It described the biological principles of food molecule processing techniques and briefly introduced the application of the techniques to variant foods .

  2. 碳水化合物是四大类生物化学分子中的一类。生态人类学是文化人类学的一个重要组成部分。

    Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of biochemical molecules . Eco-anthropology constitutes an important part of anthropology .

  3. 含氮杂原子大环化合物的合成及分子识别研究碳水化合物是四大类生物化学分子中的一类。

    The Study of Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Macrocyclic Coordination Compound ; Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of biochemical molecules .