
xiè dǐnɡ
  • get a bit thin on top;be balding
谢顶 [xiè dǐng]
  • [be balding] 歇顶

  • 有的老年人谢顶,有的老年人不谢顶

  1. 他开始有点谢顶了。

    He 's starting to get a little thin on top .

  2. 那个男人长着双下巴,胡子拉碴,快要谢顶了。

    The man was jowly , unshaven , balding .

  3. 他戴了顶草帽,以免正在谢顶的脑袋被太阳晒到。

    He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned .

  4. 她开始谢顶。

    She is going bald .

  5. 他年龄并不老,可是已经谢顶了。

    He is not old but is already balding .

  6. 男士也有他们的吹风机,而且如果他们秃顶的话,还会用毛发生长剂、买假发,或者把头发从密集的地方移植到谢顶的地方

    Men also have hair dryers and , if they suffer from baldness , they use a growth stimulator , buy hairpieces , or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas .

  7. 科学家们表示,根据头发提供的DNA排序,这名人类祖先是棕发,可能谢顶,A型血。

    They say DNA sequencing shows he had brown hair , was probably going bald and had type A positive blood .

  8. 我并没有开始谢顶。

    It 's not as though I were going bald .

  9. 他稍微有点谢顶了,更显得下巴尖尖。

    His hair was receding somewhat , which emphasized the pointed chin .

  10. 我回过头,看到一个已近中年尧有些谢顶的男人。

    I turned to see a balding man who was approaching middle age .

  11. 不太丑(谢顶也可)

    Not too ugly ( bald head OK )

  12. 年岁较大的男子,头发花白并开始谢顶。

    Elderly males , grey and balding .

  13. 他是一个瘦弱的,谢顶的老人,他的脸上不满了皱纹。

    He was thinner , balder , and grayer , and his face had a crumpled look .

  14. 这哥们还谢顶,所以撞击的时间非常短。

    The guy was bald , for one thing and so the impact time was very short .

  15. 多尔切紧随其后走进来:他的身材更短、头发谢顶,黑框眼镜搁在头顶,身穿灰色毛衣与牛仔裤。

    Dolce enters next : shorter , bald , with black-rimmed glasses perched on his head , wearing a grey sweater and jeans .

  16. 眼前这位老人已经75岁高龄,已经谢顶,行动也很缓慢,但思维仍然犀利,眼神中不时透露出智慧。

    He was 75 years old , bald and slow moving , but his mind was sharp and his eyes showed keen twinkling intelligence .

  17. 他是个瘦瘦的男人,有点谢顶,可他剩下的那点头发和他孩子们的一样红。

    He was a thin man , going bald , but the little hair he had was as red as any of his children 's.

  18. 曼尼斯说,他做这项研究的原动力来自他三十出头就开始谢顶的亲身经历。

    Mannes said the impetus for his research came from his own experience in his early thirties , when he began losing his hair .

  19. “谢顶人士将头发由一侧梳至谢顶部位的一种处理方式”

    " An arrangement of hair on a balding man in which hair from the side of the head is combed over the bald spot . "

  20. 多德有些瘦弱、谢顶,在家中要照料身有残疾的妻子。他父亲是一位长老会牧师,他本人比沃伦的父亲年长8岁。

    A thin , frail , balding man who cared for a disabled wife at home , Dodd was the son of a Presbyterian minister and eight years older than Warren 's father .

  21. 凯投宏观的伦敦办公室位于白金汉宫附近一座19世纪的维多利亚风格联排住所中,从这里,已经谢顶、戴着眼镜的布托胸有成竹地向从纽约到北京的大银行和对冲基金做出建议。

    Operating out of a 19th-century Victorian townhouse near Buckingham Palace , the bald , bespectacled son of a civil servant confidently advises major banks and hedge funds from New York to Beijing .

  22. 阿基诺有些谢顶,还戴着眼镜,他证实两人正在交往。去年,他曾表示汽水已经远离了他的爱情生活,感叹自己的感情生活像可口可乐,从普通可乐变成了零度可乐。

    Confirmation that the balding , bespectacled president was dating again came after he said last year that the fizz had gone out of his love-life , describing it as going from Coke regular to Coke zero .

  23. 美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的信息管理系讲师阿尔伯特?曼尼斯开展的一项新研究指出,尽管谢顶男子往往会因为脱发而感到自卑,但那些在头发掉光前就先行一步剃光头的男人形象则会有所改观。

    A new study from information management lecturer Albert Mannes at the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School of Business suggests that while men with male-pattern baldness tend to view themselves as having poor self-esteem , those who take the pre-emptive step of shaving a thinning head of hair improved their image .