
  1. 目的研究四大南药之一的槟榔不同器官重金属汞的含量。

    ObjectiveTo ascertain the Hg content of different organs of betelnut .

  2. 槟榔是我国四大南药之一。

    Areca is one of4 southern medicines as we know .

  3. 是我国四大南药之一,但花的形态结构较特殊,不易自然授粉。

    However , it is difficult for natural pollination due to its specific flower structure .

  4. 槟榔种子含单宁和多种生物碱,是我国四大南药之一,有重要的医用价值。

    The seed of Areca catechu contains tannin and various alkaloids , that make it becomes the most important of the four famous medicines in south China and has great values in traditional Chinese medicine .