
  • 网络Manganese tetroxide;manganese oxide;trimanganese tetroxide;trimanganese tetraoxide
  1. 介绍了四氧化三锰的制备、检测方法及其相关理论研究。

    The methods of preparing and measuring of trimanganese tetroxide are introduced in the paper .

  2. 碳酸锂和四氧化三锰合成锰酸锂的工艺优化研究

    Optimization for synthesis process of lithium manganate from lithium carbonate and trimanganese tetroxide

  3. 探索了从金属Mn和Mn3O4中分离硒(Se)的可能性,介绍了由普通高Se电解金属锰片制备低Se四氧化三锰(Mn3O4)的新方法。

    The possibility of separating selenium from metallic manganese and manganic manganous oxide ( Mn 3O 4 ) is investigated . A new method for preparing low Se manganic manganous oxide from common high Se electrolytic manganese metal is described .

  4. 结合Neel理论、尖晶石型结构中的离子分布及相关的磁学知识,初步探讨了影响四氧化三锰的磁性机理。

    According to the result of the test , combining the theory of Neel , distribution of metal ion in the spinel structure and the correlative theories of magnetism , the mechanism of magnetism and the factors influenced the magnetism are investigated .

  5. 近几年我国四氧化三锰工业发展状况与展望

    The Development and Prospect of Mn_3O_4 in Current Years of China

  6. 复合絮凝剂在四氧化三锰工业污水处理中的应用

    Application of Composite Flocculant to Industrial Wastewater Treatment of Mn_3O_4

  7. 四氧化三锰超细粉体的制备

    Preparation of Super Fine Powder of Mangano - manganic Oxide

  8. 微波辅助制备高比表面积四氧化三锰的研究

    Study on Microwave-assisted Preparation of High Specific Surface Area Mn_3O_4

  9. 不同酸催化下制备四氧化三锰的反应动力学

    Kinetics of manganese tetroxide preparation catalyzed by different acids

  10. 中国四氧化三锰工业可持续发展面临的问题与对策

    The Current Problems and Countermeasure of the Constant Development of Mn_3O_4 in China

  11. 水热法四氧化三锰超细粉体的研制与表征

    Preparation of Hyperfine Manganic Manganous Oxide Powder Using Hydrothermal Method and Its Characterization

  12. 相转变法由软锰矿制备磁性四氧化三锰工艺

    A technical study on the preparation of Mn_3O_4 from pyrolusite by phase transformation method

  13. 四氧化三锰中总锰含量测定

    Determination of Total Manganese Content in Manganomanganic Oxide

  14. 四氧化三锰中锰的存在价态及浆状试样的分析方法

    Valence State of Manganese in Mangano-manganic Oxide and Analytical Method for Its Paste Sample

  15. 用金属锰粉湿法制取四氧化三锰的理论和实践辉锑矿湿法生产焦锑酸钠工艺研究

    A Theory and Practice of Manufacturing Mn 3O 4 from Manganese Metal Powder by Hydrometallurgy

  16. 低硒四氧化三锰制备新方法研究

    New Method for Preparing Low Se Manganic Manganous Oxide ( Mn_3O_4 ) & A Study

  17. 中国四氧化三锰工业的发展、现状与展望

    On the Development , Present Situations and Future Prospects of China 's Manganese Tetroxide Industry

  18. 四氧化三锰磁性材料制备

    The Preparation of Magnetic Trimanganese Tetroxide

  19. 采用粉体四氧化三锰为吸附剂,对硫酸锰溶液深度除钼工艺进行了研究。

    Powder mangano-manganic oxide is used as adsorbent to deep remove trace molybdenum from manganese sulfate solution .

  20. 在金属锰粉悬浮液法制备四氧化三锰过程中存在氧气利用率较低的情况。

    The oxygen utilization rate is low in manganese tetroxide preparation by metallic manganese powder suspending liquid process .

  21. 硫酸锰在氨性介质中制备四氧化三锰的研究

    A Study on Preparation of Mn_3O_4 by Oxidizing Hydrolysis of Manganese Sulfate with Air in Ammonia Alkalescence Media

  22. 从方铅矿精矿和软锰矿直接制备硫酸铅和四氧化三锰材料的研究-0.5mm锰矿选矿研究与生产实践

    Investigations of Preparating Lead-sulfate and Mangano-manganic-oxide from Galena Concentrate and Pyrolusit ; Dressing Practice of - 0.5 mm Manganese Ore

  23. 为了降低四氧化三锰的生产成本,介绍了以价格低廉的软锰矿为原料,使用相转变法制备四氧化三锰的基本原理和工艺过程。

    The basic principle and technological process for producing mangano-manganic oxide from cheap pyrolusite by phase transformation method were introduced .

  24. 原子吸收光谱法测定四氧化三锰产品中多种杂质元素

    Determination of Fe , Ca , Mg , K , Na and Cr in Mn_3O_4 Product by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  25. 研究了从软锰矿制备硫酸锰,在碱性溶液中,以过氧化氢为氧化剂,制备高比表面优质四氧化三锰的新工艺。

    The manganic manganous oxide is prepared from the purified manganese sulfate solution using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant under alkali medium of ammonia solution .

  26. 在采用金属锰水解并氧化制备电子级四氧化三锰的工艺中,存在着四氧化三锰粉末团聚的问题。

    In the process of preparing electronic grade mangano manganic oxide by the hydrolysis and oxidation of metal manganese exists the problem of the agglomeration of mangano manganic oxide .

  27. 用过硫酸铵作为氧化剂对四氧化三锰中总锰的含量进行测定,并对测定方法的准确度和精密度进行了讨论和评价。

    The article deal with the determination of total manganese content in manganomanganic oxide using ammonium persulfate as oxidant , and evaluated the accuracy and precision for the determining method .

  28. 最后,通过化学浴沉积制备出黑锰矿四氧化三锰薄膜,并且研究了不同实验条件对薄膜影响。

    At last , the Hausmannite manganomanganic oxide ( Mn3O4 ) thin films were deposited by chemical bath deposition and the affect of different deposition parameters on the films was also discussed .

  29. 四氧化三锰的生产方法主要有四种:金属锰悬浮液法、锰盐法、高价锰氧化物法以及碳酸锰法。

    It can be divided into four methods to prepare manganic manganous oxide from the raw stuff : electrolytic product of manganese , manganous salt , manganese oxide compound and manganese carbonate .

  30. 用盐酸溶解样品,火焰原子吸收光谱法测定四氧化三锰中铁、钙、镁、钾、钠,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定其中的铬。

    Fe , Ca , Mg , K , Na in Mn3O4 product were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry , and chromium was determined by GFAAS after dissolving the sample with HCl ( aq ) .