- huqin;a general term for certain two-stringed bowed instruments;two-stringed Chinese violin;huqin fiddle

[huqin fiddle;two-stringed Chinese violin] 弦乐器之一,把系有马尾的竹弓置于两根弦之间,弦固定于蒙覆蛇皮的竹筒上,演奏时马尾摩擦琴弦而发声,如板胡、二胡等
胡琴琵琶与羌笛。--唐. 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》
Bi Feiyu : Just a Mirror , a Clock , a Shadow and a Huqin
The history of Huqin is studied here to see the historical power for the evolution from the aesthetic aspect .
These inherited systems reflected the features in different periods , regions and cultures .
The other one is : She makes Erhu become noble , beautiful and romantic .
So the one type of stringed instrument , Huqin developed accompanied by Tang music development and the long history evolution .
The strings were either bowed , as in the case of the two-stringed , fiddle or plucked , as with the lute .
While there are different perspectives among domestic and abroad scholars on the origins of Chinese bowstring instrument . There are mainly two types : the Chinese nativism and the western introduction .
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties , with the art of opera prosperity especially local drama production , Xi Qin class of huqin derive many forms and performing techniques of various huqin , forming a large huqin family .
A one-eyed farmer leaned against the side of a house , raised a flute to his lips and piped a note , then a man with a fiddle joined him , and finally a small boy with a pair of cymbals .