
  • 网络peppermint;Mentha piperita;Pepper mint
  1. 我咬了口胡椒薄荷味奶油软糖。

    I sank my teeth into a peppermint cream

  2. 从胡椒薄荷植物中提取出来的油,用作调味品。

    Oil from the peppermint plant used as flavoring .

  3. 鼠尾草和胡椒薄荷叶提取物清除自由基、抗氧化及抗HCT-8结肠癌细胞的作用研究

    A Study on the Effects of Extracts of Two Aromatic Plants on Antioxidation , Scavenging Free Radical and Against HCT-8 Colon Cancer Cells

  4. 硬的、颜色鲜亮的棍糖,典型地用胡椒薄荷调味。

    Hard stick bright-colored stick candy typically peppermint flavored .

  5. 胡椒薄荷可以提高肠道的消化功能,有助于消化和吸收,取少许的香料按摩,其香味有助于镇定安神。

    Peppermint can improve the intestinal digestive function , helps digestion and absorption , take a little aromatherapy , the fragrance helps to calm and soothe the nerves .

  6. 他接下了从祖父传到父亲手中的家族生意,现在和哥哥在印第安纳州西北部的诺克斯一片6000英亩的土地上,种植玉米种、大豆和胡椒薄荷。

    Following his father and grandfather into the family business , he and his brother grow seed corn , soyabeans and peppermint on 6,000 acres in Knox , northwest Indiana .

  7. 随时可以欣赏胡椒的味道。用胡椒薄荷调味的小馅饼糖。

    A patty flavored with peppermint .