
  • 网络consumer group;market
  1. 针对少女装C品牌假日消费群体不同的购买动机和行为,本文提出了差异化的假日服务营销组合策略。对少女装品牌企业在假日里进行有针对性的服务营销提供了指导性的作用。

    Based on the different consumer motives and behaviors of C brand on holiday , a service marketing strategy with differentiation is drawn to give instruct to holiday service marketing in fashion brand .

  2. 根据中国天天数据调研报告显示,大学生是3G业务的主要消费群体,高校市场已成为了不可多得的纯增量市场。

    According to the special research report of daily data in China , college students are the main consumer groups for operators , and the campus market has become one of the few pure incremental markets .

  3. 跑步人群在两个方面的主要的消费群体:跑步鞋和赛事。

    There are two areas in which runners are prime consumers : footwear and events .

  4. 黑莓和iPhone都提供了受欢迎的、高容量的移动平台,但是却分别针对两个不同的消费群体。

    The BlackBerry and iPhone , which have appealing and high-volume mobile platforms , are addressing opposite ends of a spectrum .

  5. 但是包括亚马逊(Amazon)和易趣(eBay)在内的在线零售商如今面向的消费群体是印度不断增长的城市人口。

    But online retailers including Amazon and eBay are now reaching out to the country 's ever-increasing urban population .

  6. 波士顿咨询集团(bostonconsultinggroup)的一项调查发现,服饰鞋类是中国中产阶级与富有消费群体计划增加支出的6种产品种类之一。

    A survey by Boston Consulting Group identified apparel and shoes as one of six product groups on which middle class and affluent Chinese consumers plan to spend more .

  7. 这家百货公司表示,之前,购买深V文胸、巴斯克衫、丁字裤、长筒袜和吊裤带等性感内衣的主要消费群体都是一些20岁出头的妙龄少女。

    Previously , the store said , the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras , basques , thongs , stockings and suspenders , have been women in their early 20s .

  8. 其次,对MD公司汽车美容快修连锁发展的消费群体进行市场分析,寻找目标市场,进行市场定位。

    Secondly , carrying on market analysis of the MD company and consumers who using the car beauty and quick repairing industry is to look for a target market and to find the market position .

  9. 在不久前的新品发布会上,他这样说道,谷歌已与Fossil、豪雅以及Nixon合推了智能腕表,但每个品牌又代表了各自不同的消费群体与技术标准。

    We 're very nimble , he explained during the launch last week . We 've alreadypartnered with Fossil , Tag Heuer and Nixon on smartwatches , but each brandrepresents a different customer and a different set of criteria .

  10. 同时,包括宝格丽(bulgari)和卡地亚(cartier)在内的传统奢侈品品牌,生产了更多价格能够接受的产品,以扩大消费群体。

    Meanwhile , traditional luxury goods brands , including Bulgari and Cartier , created more affordable product lines to reach a bigger group of customers .

  11. 现代玩具营销应该关注Kidult消费群体

    Pay attention to Kidult consuming group

  12. 汽车制造商正在就汽车即用即付(pay-as-you-go)计划展开试验,以吸引较为年轻的消费群体,因为新一代消费者从小依赖手机,而对购买汽车的态度日渐冷淡。

    Carmakers , faced with a new generation of consumers weaned on mobile phones and cooling towards car ownership , are experimenting with pay-as-you-go schemes for vehicles to attract a younger market .

  13. blackstoneadvisorypartners全球业务主管杜绍基(johnstudzinski)说,中国市场的长期向好对于投资者来说是个福音,并说中国的消费群体会持续扩大,而且越来越多的中国消费者会进入中上阶层。

    The long-term Chinese outlook is promising for investors , says John Studzinski , global head of Blackstone Advisory partners . The consumer base will continue to expand and more Chinese will join the middle and upper classes , he says .

  14. Sanrio要求设计师们将受众集中在小学生甚至更低龄儿童身上——尽管日本的主要消费群体比他们要年长。

    Sanrio 's designers are also told to aim their new characters at children in elementary school or younger - even if much of the marketing , especially in Japan , will be aimed at older consumers .

  15. 唐代绘画消费群体主体成份的变迁

    About the Change of Consumers of Paintings in the Tang Dynasty

  16. 细分市场,对不同消费群体有不同的业务营销侧重。

    Subdividing market , developing different marketing strategies to different consumers .

  17. 网上消费群体和购买行为分析

    Analysis on the Online Community of Consumption and its Purchasing Behavior

  18. 童装消费群体的识辨及营销策略

    Identification of children 's wear consumers and strategy to promote sales

  19. 第二个消费群体是35岁到45岁坚强、独立的女性。

    The second are strong independent women aged 35 to 45 .

  20. 移动流媒体消费群体用户行为建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of User Behavior Based on Mobile Streaming Media

  21. 在当今社会,女性是一个很大的消费群体。

    In the present society , women are a great consumption group .

  22. 北京市健身俱乐部女性体育消费群体的调查研究

    Investigation of Feminine Consumption Behavior in Sport Clubs in Beijing

  23. 属于目标消费群体高度集中情况。

    This is a situation with highly condensed target customers .

  24. 大学生是一个具有特殊性质的庞大的消费群体。

    Students are a large consumption group with special nature .

  25. 原因之一是住房消费群体的转移。

    One reason is that people with the spending power are elsewhere .

  26. 新的形势下消费群体出现分化也是必然趋势。

    It is the inevitable direction of consume cluster differentiation under new condition .

  27. 对北京葡萄酒市场和大学生葡萄酒消费群体的调查

    Investigation on Beijing Grape Wine Market and the Consumption Groups among University Students

  28. 帝亚吉欧把中国市场分为四个消费群体。

    Diageo split the market into four consumer groups .

  29. 儿童是一个成长变化的特殊消费群体。

    Children are a special group of consumers who keep growing and changing .

  30. 乌鲁木齐营业型健身馆消费群体现状的调查分析

    Investigation on Group Consumption Condition in Gymnasium in Urumqi