
  • 网络consumption effect
  1. 货币政策利率传导效应主要有流动性效应,新古典综合派的利率投资和消费效应,托宾Q效应,莫迪里安尼的恒久收入效应,利率真实资本价格效应和资产调整效应等。

    Conduct effect of interest rate of monetary policy mainly concludes the mobile effect , interest rate investment and consumption effect , Tobin 's Q effect , Annie 's permanent long income effect , assets adjusting effect and true capital price effect of interest rate etc.

  2. 甘肃农村公共物品供给的消费效应研究

    Study on Consumption Effect of Rural Public Goods Supply in Gansu

  3. FDI的消费效应最大地区为黄河中游地区。

    The FDI effect on consumption is most in the middle reaches of the Yellow River .

  4. 我国政府公共财政投入的消费效应分析

    An Analysis of the Effect of Public Finance Input on Consumption

  5. 福利保障体制改革的消费效应研究

    Study on Consumption Effect of Reform of System of Welfare and Security

  6. 我国城市化进程中的能源消费效应分析

    The Effect of Energy Consumption in the Process of China 's Urbanization

  7. 大型观赏型比赛的社会消费效应

    Discussion on Consumption Effect of Large-scale Sports Competition

  8. 城市化驱动投资与消费效应研究

    Urbanization As Driving Force of Investment and Consumption

  9. 中国的能源进口与能源的替代消费效应研究

    Study on the Interaction of China 's Energy Import and International " Substitution Consumption " Effect

  10. 其中房地产价格上升带来的正的消费效应比较弱,相比之下,投资效应较强。

    The positive consumption effect produced by higher prices is weak , while the investment effect is more obvious .

  11. 股票市场的投资效应和消费效应不明显,股价变动对消费和投资的影响比较微弱,与发达国家的投资效应和消费效应相比有很大差距。

    The wealth effect and investment effect of stock market are not significant and have big difference with developed countries .

  12. 文章运用20世纪80年代以来主要年份的数据资料和1990、2000年的横断面资料,对中国人口城市化的投资效应和消费效应进行了比较分析。

    Using time series data since 1980 and cross-section data in 1990 and 2000 , this paper compares effects of urbanization on investment and consumption .

  13. 实证分析了利率和货币供应量对股价的影响以及股市的消费效应与投资效应。

    Taking empirical analysis to analyze the impact of money supply and interest rate on stock prices , and how stock prices affect the ' consumption and investment .

  14. 第二,货币政策通过资产价格传递机制作用于实体经济,主要表现在对居民的消费效应、企业的资产负债表效应、家庭的流动性效应等形式来作用于实体经济。

    Second , the monetary policy influences on the real economy through the transmission mechanism of asset prices , mainly including the consumption effect on the residents , business balance sheet effects , household effects and other forms of liquidity .

  15. 主要介绍了农村基础设施投资、农业补贴效应、家电下乡政策、社会保障和农业税等所产生的消费效应,并由此总结了这些政策的不足之处。

    It mainly introduces the consumption effect of the investment in rural infrastructure , agricultural subsidies , home appliance countryside policy , social security and agricultural tax and so on . From the analysis , the paper summed up the inadequacies of these policies .

  16. 实证研究表明,我国股市的消费效应和投资效应皆不明显;并且股市的发展会分流一部分货币需求,挤占实体经济中的货币供给,进而影响货币政策效果。

    Empirical studies have shown that the consumption effect of the stock market and investment neither significant effects ; and stock market development will divert part of the demand for money , diverted the money supply in the real economy , thereby affecting the effectiveness of monetary policy .

  17. 技术进步对能源消费回报效应的估算

    The estimation of technological progress on the energy consumption returns effects

  18. 我们把房价上涨促进居民消费的效应称为财富效应。

    We call the prices rise stimulating dweller consumption as wealth effect .

  19. 基于协整技术的消费拉动效应分析

    Analysis About Consumption Demand Effect Based on the Co-integration

  20. 消费从众效应分析及均衡预测

    Analysis and Prediction Equilibrium of Consumption Conformability

  21. 增加城镇低收入者的收入具有相对高的增加消费的效应。

    Increasing the income of the urban low income colony has a relatively high effect of increasing consumption .

  22. 零售业态演化:基于组织能力的诠释消费网络效应与专业零售商买方势力规制

    The Evolution of the Retail Format : An Explanation Based on Managerial Ability Consumption Externalities and Forming of Buyer Power in Vertical Structure

  23. 进口最终产品对环境污染的影响主要体现为生产替代效应、消费污染效应、技术效应等方面。

    Imports of final products exert influences on environmental pollution are mainly due to production substitution effect , consumption pollution effect , technical effect .

  24. 提高利率政策的消费传导效应,可以通过提高受教育程度和增加消费信贷来实现。

    An increase in education opportunity or an increase in consumption credit can improve the effect of interest on consumption and reduce the saving ratio .

  25. 这些都深化了对消费信贷效应问题的研究,并在一定程度上填补了目前国内外研究的空白。

    All of this deepens the study of consumer credit effect problem , to some degree , fills in the gap of relative study in the world .

  26. 迄今为止,国内外学者对消费信贷效应的研究主要着眼于其对消费的正面刺激效应,而对于其负面效应则鲜有涉及。

    To date , most domestic and international scholars have been focusing on the study of the positive incentive effect and few of them touch upon its negative aspects .

  27. 正的消费外部效应及对应的递增消费(规模)回报是以信息产业为基础的现代社会中一类重要市场的主要性质。

    Consume externalities and the related increasing return of product technology adoption is the main characteristic of one kind of important market which exists in modern society based on information Industry .

  28. 关于财政支出对居民消费的效应研究一直以来无明确的定论,财政支出对居民消费可能产生挤出效应也可能产生引致效应。

    There has been no definite conclusion for the fiscal expenditure on the effect of consumption yet , that the expenditure on the consumption may have a " crowding out effect " or " causing effect " .

  29. 本文的不足之处主要有三点:一是虽然分析了财政政策对居民消费非线性效应的产生机制,但未实际考察我国财政政策非凯恩斯效应的产生究竟是因预期效应、财富效应抑或替代效应。

    First , although the paper analyzed generating mechanism of nonlinear effect about fiscal policy on residents ' consumption , but the article did not actually review whether no-Keynes effect of fiscal policy took place because of expectation effect , wealth effect or substitution effect .

  30. 最后借助PANELDATA模型将中国城镇居民住房消费的地区效应和时间效应等潜变量成功地定量识别,并对计量结果进行了现实佐证。

    Lastly , the Panel Data model helps to distinguish quantitatively the potential factors of both district and time effects , and to offer the practical evidence as well .