- 名by elimination;elimination method

Application of the improved Gauss elimination method to ore prediction model
Gauss elimination method of quaternion matrices and its application
Notes on the elimination method in the m × n flow-shop scheduling problem
Using Gauss-Seidel iteration method to solve difference inequality equations is also presented .
Floating point representation , Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting , scaling of computations with matrix size , banded and tri-diagonal systems , LU decomposition .
Implementation of the column ELIMINATING-AHEAD parallel algorithm for givens orthogonal reduction
Gauss law and order eliminate Gauss out PCA elimination method is commonly used computers to solve linear equations in a direct way .
Calculation of the technical indexes of polymetal minerals beneficiation using PC-1500 electronic computer & calculating program by Gauss elimination method
So , the windows and interpolated FFT is developed , and the harmonic expurgation according to amplitude is put forward for high order harmonic parameters analysis in this paper .
Using statistical backward elimination method , the mathematic model was established for the relativity between cupping test value ( IE ) and mechanical properties of 9 kinds of steel sheet .
As for the standard method for solving the linear systems , Gauss elimination needs O ( n 3 ) arithmetic operations .
We use the first order linear approximation to approximate the ICI coefficient and utilize the parallel ICI cancellation to compensate the ICI effect .
The paper presents an elimination approach to the oriented graph which is used to reorder the structure of the asymmetric sparse-matrix according to the rule of minimal fills or minimal long operations in LU factorization .
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting method and Broyden 's method and Orthogonal method for generating stochastic orthogonal matrix are presented .
Harmonic analysis in the electric machine based on windows and interpolated FFT and harmonic expurgation according to amplitude In chapter 3 , a new method for real-time harmonics cancellation based on frequency shifting principle is deduced .
The method not only generalizes the IMV method but also includes block interval Gauss method , block interval Jacobi method and block interval Gauss-Seidel method .
In order to avoid the same source re-extraction , the equivalence of deflationary orthogonalization and direct subtract is discussed . It is point out that is impossible to avoid the error cumulation in sequential ICA .
In the course of solving a system of linear equations with the Gauss elimination or Cholesky decomposition , some elements which changes from zero to nonzero are called fill-in of matrix .
Based on the iterative algorithm of Newton Raphson , the numerical approach of governing equations of fluid system is studied through combined the gauss jordan elimination with compression matrix storage technology .
When the equations consist of 100 sub-equation , its computational cost is only 0.25 percent of which Gauss elimination method costs .
The key technique in this scheme is to construct an appropriate CLF to guarantee stability of the closed loop systems in some subspaces with zero control inputs .
The effective conductivities for many two dimensional porous systems are calculated by polynomial approximation , Fourier expansion using elimination procedure and iterative approach of Fourier expansion Critical exponents for the dc conductivity of Sierpinski carpets are also calculated by an improved iterative approach .
In this paper , two algorithms of inverse matrix by Gauss-Jordan method of pivot element elimination and theorems for these algorithms are given .
There are some methods to solve the Nash equilibrium , sush as elimination method , streak plate method , arrow point method and Lemke-Howson algorithm .
The errors caused by the phase uncertainties of embedded parameters are deleted . In addition , LRL method can be used to de - embed the S parameters from the microwave transistor test fixture .
Solving the Parameters of Passive Two-port Network Through Gaussian Elimination Algorithm
Application of Elimination of Quantifiers in the Proof of Complete Theory
Adiabatic elimination technique is the main method in synergetic theory .
An Algorithm for Removing Hidden Lines of Two Intersected Convex Solids
Application of Failure Element Deleting Method to Non-linear Rock Fracture Study