
xiāo qù fǎ
  • by elimination;elimination method
  1. 改进的Gauss消去法在成矿预测模型中的应用

    Application of the improved Gauss elimination method to ore prediction model

  2. 四元数矩阵的Gauss消去法及其应用

    Gauss elimination method of quaternion matrices and its application

  3. 关于同顺序m×n排序问题消去法的两点注记

    Notes on the elimination method in the m × n flow-shop scheduling problem

  4. 用Gauss消去法的思想对差分不等方程进行跌代求解。

    Using Gauss-Seidel iteration method to solve difference inequality equations is also presented .

  5. 浮点数表示法,含部份换轴之高斯消去法,使用矩阵大小之计算尺度调整,带状及三角对角系统,LU分解。

    Floating point representation , Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting , scaling of computations with matrix size , banded and tri-diagonal systems , LU decomposition .

  6. GIVENS正交三角化列超前并行消去法的实现

    Implementation of the column ELIMINATING-AHEAD parallel algorithm for givens orthogonal reduction

  7. 本人的数值分析课程设计,比较完整!Gauss顺序消去法与Gauss列主元消去法是计算机上常用来求解线性方程组的一种直接的方法。

    Gauss law and order eliminate Gauss out PCA elimination method is commonly used computers to solve linear equations in a direct way .

  8. 用PC-1500电子计算机计算选矿多金属技术指标&主元高斯消去法计算程序

    Calculation of the technical indexes of polymetal minerals beneficiation using PC-1500 electronic computer & calculating program by Gauss elimination method

  9. 作者采用加窗插值FFT,并提出逐幅谐波消去法,以便能精确地分析高次谐波。

    So , the windows and interpolated FFT is developed , and the harmonic expurgation according to amplitude is put forward for high order harmonic parameters analysis in this paper .

  10. 应用数理统计中后向消去法建立了九种板料杯突值IE与力学性能间的相关性数学模型。

    Using statistical backward elimination method , the mathematic model was established for the relativity between cupping test value ( IE ) and mechanical properties of 9 kinds of steel sheet .

  11. 而用经典的Gauss消去法解该线性方程组则需要O(n3)的工作量。

    As for the standard method for solving the linear systems , Gauss elimination needs O ( n 3 ) arithmetic operations .

  12. 我们使用一阶线性方法估计ICI系数,与平行载波间干扰消去法抵消ICI效应。

    We use the first order linear approximation to approximate the ICI coefficient and utilize the parallel ICI cancellation to compensate the ICI effect .

  13. 本文提出在LU分解中按填入数最少原则(或按长运算次数最少原则),对结构不对称稀疏矩阵[A]进行重排序的一种方法&有向图消去法。

    The paper presents an elimination approach to the oriented graph which is used to reorder the structure of the asymmetric sparse-matrix according to the rule of minimal fills or minimal long operations in LU factorization .

  14. 给出了由计算机随机生成正交矩阵的列主元高斯消去法、逆broyden秩1法、施密特正交化法等方法的算法描述。

    Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting method and Broyden 's method and Orthogonal method for generating stochastic orthogonal matrix are presented .

  15. 采用加窗插值FFT与逐幅谐波消去法的电机谐波算法第三章提出了一种基于移频思想的实时谐波消去算法。

    Harmonic analysis in the electric machine based on windows and interpolated FFT and harmonic expurgation according to amplitude In chapter 3 , a new method for real-time harmonics cancellation based on frequency shifting principle is deduced .

  16. 本算法不仅推广了IMV算法,而且包含了块区间Gauss消去法、块区间Jacobi算法、块区间Gauss-Seidel算法。

    The method not only generalizes the IMV method but also includes block interval Gauss method , block interval Jacobi method and block interval Gauss-Seidel method .

  17. 在避免变量被重复提取方面,论证了解混向量收缩正交化法与直接消去法之间的等价性,并且指出串行ICA方法中完全避免误差积累是不可能的。

    In order to avoid the same source re-extraction , the equivalence of deflationary orthogonalization and direct subtract is discussed . It is point out that is impossible to avoid the error cumulation in sequential ICA .

  18. 在运用Gauss消去法或Cholesky分解法求解时,消去过程中有的零元会变为非零元,这称为矩阵的填充。

    In the course of solving a system of linear equations with the Gauss elimination or Cholesky decomposition , some elements which changes from zero to nonzero are called fill-in of matrix .

  19. 根据Newton-Raphson迭代思想,结合雅克比系数矩阵的压缩存储技术,研究了基于高斯-约当消去法的流体系统控制方程组数值求解方法。

    Based on the iterative algorithm of Newton Raphson , the numerical approach of governing equations of fluid system is studied through combined the gauss jordan elimination with compression matrix storage technology .

  20. 当方程组由100个子方程构成时,该算法所需的乘除法运算量仅是Guass消去法的0.25%。

    When the equations consist of 100 sub-equation , its computational cost is only 0.25 percent of which Gauss elimination method costs .

  21. 消去法关键在于构造合适的CLF,以保证在控制器作用为0的子空间中闭环系统仍能稳定。

    The key technique in this scheme is to construct an appropriate CLF to guarantee stability of the closed loop systems in some subspaces with zero control inputs .

  22. 我们用幂级数展开法、Fourier级数展开高斯消去法和Fourier级数展开迭代法计算了许多二维多孔媒质的有效电导率,并采用改进的迭代法计算了Sierpinski地毯的直流电导率的临界指数。

    The effective conductivities for many two dimensional porous systems are calculated by polynomial approximation , Fourier expansion using elimination procedure and iterative approach of Fourier expansion Critical exponents for the dc conductivity of Sierpinski carpets are also calculated by an improved iterative approach .

  23. 本文介绍用Gauss-Jordan主元素消去法求逆矩阵的算法及有关定理。

    In this paper , two algorithms of inverse matrix by Gauss-Jordan method of pivot element elimination and theorems for these algorithms are given .

  24. 求解纳什均衡有很多经典的方法,如消去法、划线法、箭头法以及Lemke-Howson算法。

    There are some methods to solve the Nash equilibrium , sush as elimination method , streak plate method , arrow point method and Lemke-Howson algorithm .

  25. 由于利用代数消去法,去除了嵌入参量相位不确定性引入的误差,LRL法可用于微波晶体管测试夹具的去嵌入。

    The errors caused by the phase uncertainties of embedded parameters are deleted . In addition , LRL method can be used to de - embed the S parameters from the microwave transistor test fixture .

  26. 利用高斯消去法求无源二端口网络参数

    Solving the Parameters of Passive Two-port Network Through Gaussian Elimination Algorithm

  27. 量词消去法在完全理论证明中的应用

    Application of Elimination of Quantifiers in the Proof of Complete Theory

  28. 协同学理论最常用的方法就是绝热消去法。

    Adiabatic elimination technique is the main method in synergetic theory .

  29. 两凸平面相贯立体的隐藏线消去法

    An Algorithm for Removing Hidden Lines of Two Intersected Convex Solids

  30. 破坏单元消去法在岩石非线性断裂研究中的应用

    Application of Failure Element Deleting Method to Non-linear Rock Fracture Study