
  • 网络Japanese Mathematics;Mathematics in Japan
  1. 这批史料的发现,对于中国近现代科学史和日本数学史的研究,有着极其重要的意义。

    They are found to be very valuable for the study of modern history of science and technology in China and the history of mathematics in Japan .

  2. 21世纪初的日本数学教育改革

    Japanese Mathematical Educational Reform at the Beginning of 21st Century

  3. 浅析日本数学教育中的课题学习

    Analysing the " Learning Mathematics through Problem " In Japan

  4. 试论日本数学教育的改革

    Tentative Comment on Reformation of Japan 's Mathematical Education

  5. 他的数学教育思想对20世纪上半叶日本数学教育的发展起到了重要作用,同时对我国数学教育发展也产生了积极的影响。

    His mathematic educational thoughts played an important role in the development of mathematics education in Japan in the first part of the twentieth century , which also had a profound impact on Chinese .

  6. 日本高中数学教育课程的改革

    The Curriculum Reform on Mathematics Education in Japanese Senior Middle Schools

  7. 中国和日本的数学教育都具有东亚文化传统。

    The mathematical educations in China and Japan all have the East Asia culture traditions .

  8. 21世纪日本高中数学课程的设置模式及启示

    Models of Japanese Senior High Math Course Set-up in the 21st Century and Its Revelation

  9. 主要是从日本初中数学教科书的内容、结构、设计形式等方面对日本初中数学教科书进行分析研究,总结出日本初中数学教科书编写的优缺点。

    Such as , the content , the construction and the design form of the textbook , and so on . it concludes the advantage and the disadvantage of the lower secondary textbook of Japan .

  10. 日本新编中学数学教材的特点评析

    Brief Analysis of the Characteristics of the New Edition of Japanese Mathematic Teaching Materials

  11. 日本中小学数学教师的教学研究策略包括8个步骤。

    The eight steps of teaching strategy of mathematical teachers of high school and primary school in Japan .

  12. 在东北帝国大学学习期间,他在研究一般曲面的时候发现了4倍几何锥形面,这在几何研究领域是一个突破,日本和国际数学界将其命名为“苏氏锥形面”。

    During his study in Northeast Imperial University , he found 4 times algebra cone-shaped surface in study of general bent surface . It was a breakthrough in geometry research . Mathematical circles of Japan and the world named it as Su 's cone-shaped surface .

  13. 难怪日本的孩子在数学上要远远领先于美国的孩子。

    No wonder Japanese kids blow the pants off American kids in math .

  14. 日本学生如何学习数学

    How Japanese Students Learn Math

  15. 1999年日本教育省审定了新的《学习指导纲要》,对日本高中数学提了新的要求,对其中的算法内容也提出了更具有时代特色的具体要求。

    In 1999 the Japanese Ministry of Education finalized the new " study guide outline " , which has made a new high school math requirements , which the " algorithm " also put forward a more specific requirements for characteristics of the times . In 2003 .