
  1. 旗下拥有优衣库(uniqlo)品牌的迅销(fastretailing)关闭在北京的经营网点,另一家日资企业旗下的数十家7-11便利店也关门停业。

    Fast Retailing , owner of the UNIQLO brand , shut outlets in Beijing , while dozens of 7-ELEVEN convenience stores , which belong to another Japanese company , were also closed .

  2. 日资企业nttdata的欧洲、中东、非洲、阿根廷及巴西业务行政总裁托马斯巴尔格海姆(thomasbalgheim)表示,母语为英语的人往往会使用一些晦涩的措辞,而且语速太快。

    Thomas balgheim , chief executive for Europe , the Middle East and Africa , Argentina and Brazil at Japanese-owned NTT data , observes that native English speakers are prone to use hard-to-grasp expressions and talk too quickly .

  3. 日资企业,包括服装零售商优衣库、7-Eleven连锁便利店和相机制造商佳能出于安全担忧都临时锁了店。

    Japanese-invested businesses , including garment retailer Uniqlo , 7-Eleven convenience store chains and camera maker Canon had temporarily padlocked shops amid safety fears .

  4. 在主要针对零部件定价的调查期间,发改委已宣布,奥迪(Audi)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)从事了垄断行为,并称多达12家日资企业可能面临处罚。

    During the course of its investigation , which has focused on the pricing of spare parts , the NDRC has claimed that Audi and Chrysler engaged in monopolistic behaviour , and indicated that as many as 12 Japanese companies could face penalties .

  5. 试论在华日资企业文化摩擦问题&以在大连日资企业为例

    On Cultural Friction Problems of Japanese Invested Enterprises in China

  6. 日资企业内沟通不畅的问题及对策分析

    The problems of bad communication in Japanese corporation and analysis of countermeasures

  7. 在华日资企业人力资源管理状况研究

    Studies Human Resources Management Condition of Japanese Enterprise in China

  8. 日资企业中职工的满意度与选好度&中国与东南亚三国的比较

    The Preference and Appraisal of Enterprises by Chinese Employees in Sino-Japanese Joint-Venture Enterprises

  9. 日资企业人事管理思想探析

    On the ideas of HUMAN-AFFAIRS management of Japanese-based Enterprises

  10. 在沪日资企业人力资源开发研究

    No-Hair Day Study on Development of Human Labor Resource of Japanese Enterprises in Shanghai

  11. 日资企业自80年代进入大连以来已经有20余年历史,企业数近3000家。

    Since 1980 's , there have been about 3000 Japanese invested enterprises in Dalian .

  12. 在华日资企业全面预算管理一个案例分析

    A Case Study of Comprehensive Budget Management for the Enterprise with Japanese Investment in China

  13. 到目前为止我所已与五家日资企业建立法律服务关系。

    So far , our law firm has built up attorney-client relationship with five Japan-funded enterprises .

  14. 与其它日资企业一样,丰田在抗议期间让几家在华工厂停产数日。

    Like other Japanese companies , Toyota closed factories in China for several days amid the protests .

  15. 本月河北廊坊商宇律师事务所与两家日资企业建立法律服务关系。

    Hebei Shangyu Law Firm built up attorney-client relationship with two Japan-funded enterprises in Feb , 2009 .

  16. 作为回应措施,在华日资企业纷纷关闭商店和暂停工厂运营,以避免成为冲击目标。

    Japanese businesses have responded by shuttering stores and halting factory operations throughout China to avoid being targeted .

  17. 日前东芝笔记本电脑海外生产基地项目已在这里落户,日资企业将达到40家。

    Now Toshiba laptop product base oversea has settled down here , Japanese enterprises will reach up to40 .

  18. 苏南日资企业伦理文化建设的理念及其借鉴

    About the Ethic Culture Building in Japanese Enterprises in the South of Jiangsu Province and Its Reference Significance

  19. 日本企业习惯找中介进日资企业,找日资猎头。

    Japanese industry custom looks for intermediary to enter day endowment business , look for head of day endowment hunt .

  20. 常常听到在日资企业工作的朋友们抱怨加班的事儿,但是很少听到在欧洲投资的企业工作的人提起加班。

    Many friends working in the Japanese-invested enterprises complain about working overtime , but few staff members of the European-invested enterprises mention it .

  21. 他补充称:在抢劫和破坏日资企业这个问题上,我们当然希望中国采取措施制止此类行为。

    When it comes to looting and destroying Japanese businesses , we certainly hope that measures will be taken to deter such activities .

  22. 希望对其他日资企业或外资企业的薪酬体系改革起到参考借鉴作用。

    The plan is proposed to be given to other Japanese invested companies or foreign invested companies for reference on their compensation system reform .

  23. 本文对此作了初步的调查分析,同时指出了研究在华日资企业文化摩擦问题的紧迫性和重要性。

    The paper makes some primary investigation and analyses and points out the emergency and importance of studying the cultural friction of Japanese invested enterprises .

  24. 在建行的最初两三年内,信贷业务比较少,主要是针对少数大型日资企业的流动资金贷款与中长期的固定资产贷款。

    During the initial few years , the branch handled only a little credit businesses that were mainly short-term and long-term loan for big scale Japanese joint ventures .

  25. 随着经济全球化的深入、中国市场经济以及日资企业自身的发展,文化摩擦问题成为企业经常面对的问题。

    With the development of economic globalization , China 's market economy and Japanese invested enterprises , Cultural friction problem has become a serious one facing these enterprises .

  26. 韩国国有企业的正式形成源于光复后对日资企业的回归改造,其大规模发展并达到顶峰则是在第三共和国时期。

    In the work , we say that the state enterprise of Republic of Korea have the relation with the total diplomacy of development of the national economy of Republic of Korea .

  27. 在中外双方的合作中,由于存在着不同民族和社会的文化差异,出现了文化碰撞和冲突,从而对跨国经营产生巨大的影响,这个对于日资企业非常严重。

    While in the cooperation with their Chinese partners , cultural differences and conflicts have exerted a great influence on those multi-national co operations , among which the Japanese companies are seriously affected .

  28. 美资企业的研发投入规模历来都高居全球首位,今年达到2569亿美元,其次是欧资企业达到1938亿美元,然后是位居第三的日资企业达到1167亿美元。

    The Americans , as they have traditionally done , are the biggest spenders at $ 256.9 billion followed by European-based companies at $ 193.8 billion and then Japan which is third at $ 116.7 billion .

  29. 在上海的日资企业的发展前景如何,企业是否能持续有效地实现其发展的战略目标,对上海的就业、税收等都有一定程度的影响。

    In the Shanghai day money enterprise development prospect how , if enterprise can continue attaining the strategy that the person develops 's objectives effectively , effect having certain degree to Shanghai employment , tax revenue etc.

  30. 不少日资企业从平衡人力投入和时间成本来考虑,还是选择外包给人才中介公司来做,而且从低到高的所有职位都放出来。

    Many day endowment the enterprise is thrown from balance manpower and time cost considers , the bag outside still choosing is done to talent intermediary company , and from low put to all high position .