
  • 网络japan-us
  1. 第二部分回顾了在冷战时期的日美同盟关系。

    The second part reviews Japan-US alliance during the Cold War .

  2. 90年代日美安保体制的嬗变

    The Transmutation of Japan-US Security Insurance System in the 90 's

  3. 这对全球都有影响,因为美国已明确表示,争议岛屿适用《日美安保条例》(US-Japansecuritytreaty)。

    This would have global implications , since the US has made it clear that the disputed islands are covered by the US-Japan Security Treaty .

  4. 日美两国在进入现代社会之后,出现了有别于传统民事诉讼的新型诉讼,对此日本称之为现代型诉讼,而美国是以公共诉讼(PublicLawLitigation)来理解的。

    After two countries of Japan and the US entered the modern society , the new typed lawsuit different from traditional-typed lawsuits has emerged , which is called the modern-typed lawsuits in Japan , and come to Public Law Litigation in US .

  5. 采用RFLP技术,对中日美3国的26个子群体共757个栗疫病菌菌株的核DNA进行了群体遗传结构分析。

    The genetic structures of chestnut blight fungus , Cryphonectria parasitica , among 26 subpopulations including 757 isolates , from populations of China , Japan and the USA , were analysed with DNA RFLP .

  6. 第二个是日美联盟的坚定捍卫者自民党(LDP),其温和的保守主义支持了日本非凡的经济崛起。

    The second is the Liberal Democratic party , stalwart defender of that alliance , whose benign conservatism supported Japan 's extraordinary economic rise .

  7. 大力水手俱乐部(PopeyeClub,得名的原因是由于许多会员来自美国海军)的会员将日美军事联盟视为华盛顿亚洲政策的基石。

    Members of the Popeye Club , so called because many of them hail from the US navy , view the military alliance with Japan as the cornerstone of Washington 's Asia policy .

  8. TPP将拆除包括日美在内的12个太平洋国家间的贸易壁垒,它将涵盖全球40%的产出,其相关谈判已开展了近7年。

    The TPP would liberalise trade among 12 Pacific nations , including Japan and the US , covering about 40 per cent of global output . Negotiations have been under way for almost seven years .

  9. 继任的菅直人首相和野田佳彦首相均持亲美态度,对TPP的积极响应也一定程度上缓和了日美之间的矛盾,推进了日美合作。

    His successor , Prime Minister Kan , Prime Minister Noda tend to take a pro-America attitude , and a positive response to TPP , to some extent , ease the conflict between Japan and the United States , to strengthen the Japan-US cooperation .

  10. 鸠山由纪夫公开承认,普天间(Futenma)空军基地的大部分功能都将留在冲绳县辖区。这将缓解日美双方自去年以来的紧张关系,当时日本宣布重新考虑久拖不决的基地搬迁计划。

    Public acceptance by Yukio Hatoyama that most of the functions of the Futenma marine air base will remain on the island prefecture will ease bilateral tensions raised by last year 's announcement of a rethink of a long-standing relocation plan .

  11. 中日美移动电子邮件业务比较分析

    Compare and Analyze Wireless Email in China , Japan and US

  12. 日美两国行政文化的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Culture between Japan and U.S.A

  13. 日美国家农业立法的发展趋势及启迪

    Developmental Trend and Enlightenment of Agricultural Legislation in Japan and America

  14. 他在私下和公开场合都曾攻击日美安全条约。

    Both privately and publicly he castigated the US-Japanese Security Treaty .

  15. 军事关系是战后日美关系的重要内容。

    The military relations are important content of post-war Japan-U.S. relations .

  16. 中日美图书馆人力资源管理比较

    Human Resources Management in the Libraries in China Japan and America

  17. 日美缔结友好通商条约。

    The u.s. - japan Treaty of Amity and Commerce concluded .

  18. 军事上,日本积极进行军事战略的调整,在巩固日美军事同盟的基础上大力发展外向型的军事力量。

    In military affairs , Japan has made some adjustments .

  19. 日美安全保障体制是冷战的产物,冷战后仍是日美关系的重要基础。

    Japanese-American Security guarantee system is an important foundation of their relations .

  20. 日美经济摩擦的小宫理论及其启示日本电子信息产业概览

    Komiya Theory in Japan-US Economic Conflicts and the Inspiration to Be Drawn

  21. 从此,日美安全保障体制进入了一个新的发展时期。

    So , the Japan-American Security System entered into a new age .

  22. 中日美三国文化思维方式的异同

    Thought comparisons among the Chinese , Japanese and American culture

  23. 日本进一步加强日美同盟。

    Japan further strengthens the union of Japan and America .

  24. 日美太阳能汽车的性能与对比

    Performance and Comparison of Solar Energy Automobile of Japan and the U.S

  25. 日美风险投资模式的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Risk Investment Models between Japan and USA

  26. 日美安保体制的形成与演变

    The Forming and Development of the Japan-American Security Protection System

  27. 日美欧汽车发动机油标准的发展动向

    Development Trend of Engine Oil Standard for Japanese and American Motor Vehicles

  28. 论日美同盟关系的全球化趋势

    Comment on the Globalized Trends of " Japan-U.S. Alliance "

  29. 正是在这一方面,日美关系发挥着作用。

    That is where the relationship with America comes in .

  30. 除了皮尤研究中心的调查所揭示的,日美之间还存在其他方面的摩擦。

    Beyond the Pew poll , there are other frictions .