
  1. Kalman滤波器及其在医用消耗性材料需求量预测研究中的应用

    Kalman Filter and Its Applications in the Study on Requirement Forecasting of Medical Consumptive Materials

  2. 最后分析了经典Kalman滤波器在处理医用消耗性材料需求量数据时存在的缺点,提出用自适应Kalman滤波器替代经典Kalman滤波器的新思路。

    Discusess the shortcomings of classic Kalman filter and puts forward a new method using adaptive Kalman filter at last .

  3. 本文介绍了利用Kalman滤波器处理医用消耗性材料需求量数据的新方法,并结合工作实践,给出了处理实例。

    Describes mainly a new way for processing the data of medical consumptive materials using Kalman filter and offers an example in work practice .

  4. 医疗消耗性材料管理技术方法的探讨

    Discussion on The Techniques of Medical Expendable Material 's Management

  5. 加工出口产品所需的原材料、零部件、元器件、包装物件及消耗性材料全额保税。

    The materials , parts , components , packaging and consumption materials required for processing the export orientated products are fully bonded .

  6. 随着现代科学技术的发展,新材料、新工艺、新方法愈来愈层出不穷地催生出众多新的消耗性材料,从而也促使对医疗耗材的管理不断规范。

    With the development of modern science and technology , new materials , new processes and new methods to have hastened the development of an increasingly large number of new expendable materials and thus facilitate the management of medical disposables constant norms , practical and more reliable .

  7. 本文就医院耗材使用状况进行分析,提出了降低消耗性材料成本增加的措施,对医院经济管理运行效益提高作了有益探讨。

    In this paper we analyze the using status of iatric consumptive material in hospital , then bring forward the measure to play down the increase of cost on consumptive material , at last we make discussion of how to enhance the benefit of economic management in hospital .

  8. 消耗性手术材料的自动化管理

    Automation of management of consumable materials for surgery Q & A on Sex

  9. 智性支出:让快乐最大化消耗性手术材料的自动化管理

    Maximize Happiness & the Art of Spending Automation of management of consumable materials for surgery