  • fetters;shackles
  • 套在脚腕上使不能跑的刑具:脚~。~铐。

  • 古代称美好的银子。


(脚镣) shackles; fetters:

  • 手铐脚镣

    handcuffs and fetters

  1. 囚犯丙说,“用铁镣,奴隶制才会这样做。”

    Prisoner three : " In chains . It 's slavery ! "

  2. 我得进带镣囚犯队。

    I would go to the chain gang .

  3. 简历页就镣够了,多了也不要逾越两张。

    A resume should be only one , or at the most , two pages .

  4. 相信我,我有一个计…怎么会,八点锁紧钉镣?

    Trust me . I got a pl. .. No way . Eight-point acupressure cuffs ?

  5. 要用链子捆他们的君王,用铁镣锁他们的大臣。

    To bind their kings with chains , and their nobles with fetters of iron ;

  6. 从每个话音,从每条禁令,都听到心铸的锒铛铁镣。

    In every voice , in every ban , The mind-forg 'd manacles I hear .

  7. 摄入更多的蛋白帧镣水果。

    Eat more protein and fruit .

  8. 这些是最好的手镣!

    These are the best cuffs !

  9. 这是一个面容狰狞的人,穿了一身劣质的灰色衣服,腿上挂了一条粗大沉重的铁镣。

    A fearful man , all in coarse grey , with a great iron on his leg .

  10. 我得进带镣囚犯队。我奔进船舱,带上救生带。

    I would go to the chain gang . I ran to the cabin and put the life-belt on .

  11. 手镣(压制)将得到消解而且警棍(严酷的政权)将会被推翻,让我们任意地廷续自由的本质。

    Handcuffs will get soft and billy clubs will topple over , let 's go on being free anyhow .

  12. 我们生气勃勃,充满实业精神,这种精神已破除去镣拷,不受任何约束,因为我们每个人都是为自己工作的。

    We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained , because each person works for himself .

  13. 阿拉巴马虽有3/4的白人支持带镣服刑,却只有很少一部分黑人赞同这样做,这就不足为怪了。

    Not surprisingly , although three quarters of the white population of Alabama supports chain gangs , only a small number of black people do .
