
yáng cháng xiàn
  • catgut;absorbable catgut suture
羊肠线 [yáng cháng xiàn]
  • [absorbable catgut suture] 用羊的肠子制成的细线,用于缝合体腔内的伤口或切口

羊肠线[yáng cháng xiàn]
  1. 按Bennett法,大鼠腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠40mg/kg后,假手术组暴露右侧坐骨神经不结扎,慢性坐骨神经挤压损伤组在该神经主干部位,用4-0铬制羊肠线松结扎4道。

    After phenobarbital sodium 40 mg / kg was injected into abdominal cavity of all the rats by Bennett method , the rats in CCI group were placed with four loose 4 - 0 chromic catgut ligatures around the nerve shaft of the right sciatic nerve ;

  2. 功效:与中药羊肠线配伍,促进吸收增强疗效。

    Effect : Used together with catgut , promote absorption effect .

  3. 方法:采用CT对华佗夹脊穴(腰段)的进针深度、角度、相关组织层面及植入的羊肠线进行扫描观察。

    Methods CT technique was used for scanning investigation on the depth and angle of needling lumbar Jiaji ( Ex-B2 ) .

  4. 羊肠线逆行挂线治疗慢性泪囊炎的护理

    Nursing care of chronic dacryocystisis patients treated by chorda chirurgicalis conversely suture

  5. 我的货都是从意大利进口的。最好的羊肠线

    Mine are imported from Italy . Best catgut is .

  6. 医用羊肠线,适用于妇科手术。

    The catgut suture applies to gynaecologic surgery .

  7. 钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。

    The fishing line is made of gut .

  8. 目的应用中医穴位羊肠线埋藏疗法治疗银屑病。

    Objective Application the chinese medical science treatment psoriasis for acupuncture point with catgut-embedding therapy .

  9. 羊肠线静力学受力模型及其应用

    Mechanics Model of Catgut and Its Application

  10. 羊肠线穴位埋藏法治疗寻常痤疮临床观察与试验研究

    Clinical Observation and Experimental Research of Buried Acupuncture Point by Catgut on Patients with Acne Vulgaris

  11. 医用羊肠线电离辐射灭菌的研究

    Study on radiation sterilization of catgut

  12. 羊肠线穴位埋藏法治疗脑病后遗症、脑发育不全100例分折

    Analysis of 100 Cases in Treating Sequelae of Cerebropathy and Cerebral Hypoplasia with Catgut Embedding Therapy

  13. 世界上大部分羊肠线都是

    Most of the world catgut were

  14. 声带被化学处理过,跟羊肠线弦处理方法相同

    The vocal chords were chemically treated , uh , similar to how catgut string is treated .

  15. 就像你能看见的一样,生产一批羊肠线是很慢并且复杂的过程。

    As you can see , producing one set of natural gut string is a long and involved process .

  16. 此外,羊肠线在体内的吸收速度和刺激强度也难于控制。

    In addition , it is difficult to control the stimulation intensity and the absorbed velocity of catgut in vivo .

  17. 目的观察羊肠线穴位埋藏法治疗痤疮临床疗效并探讨其作用机制。

    Objective To observe therapeutic effect of buried acupuncture point by catgut on patients with acne vulgaris and explore its action mechanism .

  18. 治疗组采用经安定注射液浸泡的羊肠线进行穴位埋植,每隔2周施治1次。

    In the group of treatment , it is treated by point embedding therapy of surgical catgut soaked by tranquilizer injection , one time every two weeks .

  19. 这种复合纳米纤维可在医疗新产品开发中发挥作用,如用于制备新的羊肠线(体内手术伤口缝合线)或伤口敷布。

    Such composite nanofibers can be useful in controlled drug release and in the development of new medical devices as absorbable sutures inside human body or wound dressing materials .

  20. 埃里克o百保力是著名家族企业、法国网羽设备制造商百保力集团(Babolat)的第五代继承人,从他的曾曾祖父开始,百保力家族就已经在用羊肠线制做网球拍,制作原料来自法国里昂的屠宰场。

    Babolat represents the fifth generation in a family business of tennis equipment makers , started when his great-great grandfather made the first strings out of sheep gut , obtained from the slaughterhouses of Lyon .

  21. 方法观察人发与其它缝线在动物组织中的病理变化及临床上的应用,人发来自健康17~28岁女性,比较缝线为无损伤缝线、丝线、羊肠线。

    Methods To observe the pathologic changes of human hair and other suture in rabbits ' soft tissue and the clinical application of human hairs . Hairs were obtained from healthy woman aged 17-18 , the control sutures were non-traumatic suture , silk and catgut suture .