
mǎ kǒu tiě
  • tinplate;tin;tin plate;galvanized iron
马口铁 [mǎ kǒu tiě]
  • [tinplate;galvanized iron sheet;tinned iron sheet;white sheet] 镀锡的薄铁片

  1. 镀锡马口铁表面污染的XPS分析

    Analysis of tinplate surface contamination using XPS

  2. 结果表明:H66·W-1涂料光固化速度快,对马口铁及PVC垫片具有优异的粘结力。

    The results shows : the solidification speed of H66 · W-1 is faster and the cohesive force to tinplate and PVC shim is exceedingly hard than the general paint .

  3. 本文研究了罐身马口铁激光焊接工艺和焊接参数对焊接速度和质量的影响,检验了焊接接头的组织和性能,分析了Sn在焊缝中的分布,并进行了空罐的翻边试验。

    The authors studied the welding technology and parameters for the tin-plate can and thier influence on welding speed and quality , investigated the microstructure and properties of the weld , analysed the distribution of tin in weld metal and carried out the flange test of the can body .

  4. 无锡钢板(TFS)是一种代替镀锡板的镀铬薄钢板,它成本低廉,产品性能好,是解决锡资源缺乏,替代马口铁的理想产品。

    Tin Free Steel ( TFS ) is a tin-layer plate with plating chromium instead of tin-plating . It has lower cost , excellent performance , and is an ideal product instead of tin-plating and is a solution of lacking of tin resource .

  5. 从电镀马口铁阳极泥废弃物粉末回收锡

    A Study on Recovery of Tin from Tinplating Anode Slime Powder

  6. 文章对马口铁芦笋罐头容器的腐蚀失效进行了分析和研究。

    The corrosion of tinplate asparagus can container is analysed .

  7. 金属材料马口铁金属硅化物在电阻薄膜材料中的应用

    Metal Material Tinplate Fabrication and Application of Silicides for Thin Film Resistor

  8. 激光焊接用于食品空罐马口铁的焊接是一种最新的工艺方法。

    Laser beam welding is a new technique for food can making .

  9. 根据电解剥离原理,研制出马口铁镀锡量自动测量仪。

    The instrument for automatically determinig tin coating weight of tinplate hasbeen developed .

  10. 金属材料马口铁铜&钢异种金属材料的焊接工艺

    Metal Material Tinplate Welding Procedure of Copper-Steel Different Materials

  11. 食品马口铁包装产品的设计

    The Design to the Food Packaging in Tin Plate

  12. 马口铁罐身的激光焊接

    Study of laser welding tin - plate can body

  13. 影响马口铁表面洛氏硬度测定值的因素

    Analyze Some Factores in Affecting the Superficial Rockwell Hardness of Tinplate in Detail

  14. 马口铁-铝塑易拉盖成型机的研制

    Development of Easy-Pull Top Forming Machine With Tinplate-Aluminum Foil

  15. 酒精润版系统在马口铁印刷中的应用

    The Application of Alcohol Dampening System on Tin Decoration

  16. 我们是专业生产马口铁的大型企业,坐落在江苏省江阴市。

    We are the leading manufacturer of tinplate located in Jiangyin city of China .

  17. 论包装装潢马口铁在冲压制品中的工艺问题

    Technics pressing tinplate to produce packing box

  18. 这些沙丁鱼有马口铁罐头的味道。

    These sardines have a tinny flavor .

  19. 包装用马口铁的应用与发展

    Application and Prospects of Tinplate for Packaging

  20. 马口铁包装与环保

    Tinplate : package and environmental protection

  21. 缩颈翻边组合机是对马口铁空罐罐身的一端或两端进行缩颈与翻边的一种组合设备。

    The novel necking and curling combination machine is a kind of combination equipment for can_body forming .

  22. 马口铁印刷中的涂装工艺

    Coating Processes for Tinplate Printing

  23. 用卷带马口铁的磁场的交感作用测量电流电压或电能的仪器。

    Uses the interaction of the magnetic fields of two coils to measure current or voltage or power .

  24. 一种不透气容器,常用马口铁制成,可将食物或饮料放于其中保存。

    An airtight container , usually made of tin-coated iron , in which foods or beverages are preserved .

  25. 谈进口二级品冷轧钢板和马口铁的品级鉴定及对外出证

    About grade appraisal and foreign COUNTIES-ORIENTED certificate issuing of imported cold rolled steel sheet and tinplate of second grade

  26. 印铁,马口铁制品及马口铁(生产加工批发零售)(限分支机构)。

    Indian railways , tinplate and galvanized iron products ( production processing wholesale and retail ) ( limited branch ) .

  27. 别讲英语。她对那个操着那种听起来像马口铁的语言在唱歌的孩子说。

    No speak English , she says to the child who is singing in the language that sounds like tin .

  28. 产品广泛被用于各种金属、铝板、马口铁、铬铁、铝片等材质产品上的工艺印刷。

    It is widely used in printing of metal parts like AL sheets , tinplate , chrome iron , AL plates .

  29. 有些狮尾猴在马口铁屋顶上大声喧哗,而另一只勇敢的公猴则是作了一个优雅的握拳动作,意欲霸占我们的车。

    Some clatter around on the tin roof above , while one intrepid male makes a decent fist of commandeering our car .

  30. 一切货物均须用内衬马口铁或锡纸的木箱包装,且外壳必须清楚地标明其内所装物品。

    The goods is to is packed in tin lined cases , and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside .