
  • 网络Marxist Feminism;marxism feminism
  1. 马克思主义女性主义对马克思主义的继承发展

    On Marxist Feminism in Inheriting and Developing Marxism

  2. 它们分别是心理学中的性别发展阶段理论、性别特质双向化理论与性别社会学习理论,以及女性主义学说中的自由主义女性主义、激进主义女性主义与马克思主义女性主义。

    They are the psychological stages of development in gender theory , gender theory and gender characteristics of two-way social learning theory , and feminist theories in the liberal feminism , radical feminism and Marxist feminism .

  3. 西方马克思主义女性主义的解放思想研究

    Research on Thoughts of Women 's Liberation in Western Marxism Feminism

  4. 历史的误读:西方马克思主义女性主义关于两种生产理论

    History Misunderstanding : Western Marxism Feminism on Two Kinds of Production Theories

  5. 马克思主义女性主义批评的理论形成和逻辑延伸

    The Formation of the Marxist Feminist Criticism Theory and Its Logical Extension

  6. 马克思主义女性主义也继承了马克思主义辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义分析方法。

    Marxist feminism inherited the dialectical and historical materialism of Marxist analysis .

  7. 从马克思主义女性主义角度看苔丝悲剧成因

    A Marxist Feminist Interpretation of Tess 's Tragedy

  8. 第三部分总结了西方马克思主义女性主义解放思想的理论价值及其局限。

    The third part analyses the theoretical value and limitations of Western Marxist Feminism .

  9. 本文将围绕女性主义对平等的认识和追求,对女性主义的实践斗争进行理论分析和反思,其中又以自由主义女性主义和马克思主义女性主义为主要分析对象。

    This paper focuses on the feministic acquaintanceship and pursuance of the " equality ", analyze and reflect theoretically the feministic practice and struggle , Liberalism-feminism and Marxism-feminism are the main analysis object .

  10. 这也包括两个层面,对资本主义批判的微观解读和宏观解读,这两个层面也在某种程度上表征了两位西方马克思主义女性主义者进行现代性批判的基本思路。

    This in turn consists of two levels , namely , capitalism and critique of their interpretation of the micro-and macro-interpretation , these two aspects are to some extent to characterize the two Western Marxist feminist criticism of the modern nature of the basic ideas .

  11. 对这一问题的理解首先包含了该书在何种意义上能够代表西方马克思主义女性主义的资本主义批判、西方马克思主义的资本主义批判何以体现现代性批判、现代性批判又怎样体现女性主义的理论旨趣。

    The understanding of this issue contains the first book in what sense can represent the Western Marxist concept of capitalism , feminism , western Marxism , capitalism , critical view of why the embodiment of modernity , critique of modernity and how embodied feminist the final theory purport .

  12. 反本质主义的马克思主义和女性主义者立场《资本主义的终结关于政治经济学的女性主义批判》评介

    The Marxist and Feminists Stance of Anti-essentialist & A Review of The End of Capitalism-Feminist Critique of Political Economy

  13. 本文主要研究马克思主义对女性主义的影响,并希望以此来凸显马克思主义的当代价值。

    This paper studies the Marxist influence on the feminist that in order to highlight the value of contemporary Marxism .

  14. 无论是新马克思主义还是生态女性主义,其批判的宗旨就是要呼吁人类要共织生命之网,建立一个与自然相互依存的世界。

    Their common aim is to reweave a net of life and establish a world interdependent with nature .

  15. 并且马克思主义也是当代女性主义的思想渊源,西方女性主义对马克思主义妇女理论许多观点都加以接受和吸收。

    And Marxism is the ideological origins of contemporary feminism , Western feminism to Marxist theory of many of the views of women are to be accepted and absorbed .

  16. 这种研究主要在两个层面上进行:首先考察马克思主义对西方女性主义思潮的影响;其次,分析这种影响在文学领域的表现。

    This study was carried out at two levels : First of Marxist ideas of the Western feminism the impact Secondly , the impact of the performance in the literary field .

  17. 小说从出版至今,已引起了众多学者和评论家的关注。他们从各个角度对小说进行了解读,如马克思主义批评、女性主义批评、文化批评、生态批评等。

    Up till now , the novel has aroused lots of attention from scholars and critics , who have studied it from various perspectives , such as Marxist criticism , feminist criticism , cultural criticism and ecological criticism and so on .

  18. 马克思主义唯物史观启示女性主义从资本主义经济政治制度的根源上分析女性受压迫问题。

    Marxist material point of view reveals that the oppression of female is rooted in the system of capitalist economy and politics .

  19. 要想真正对女性主义提出的问题,给予马克思主义的回答,女性主义者还有很远的路要走。

    If we really want to put on feminist issues , the answer to Marxism , feminism , there is still a long way to go .

  20. 西方马克思主义者和生态女性主义者站在人类生存及发展的高度上,批判了人类中心主义、人类对自然的征服和男性文化霸权对女性的统治。

    Both the Western Marxists and ecofeminists criticize anthropocentrism , its conquest of nature , and male cultural hegemony from the angle of human existence and development .

  21. 马克思主义女性观随着马克思主义在中国的广泛传播也进入中国,并以其阶级的视角而成为新文化运动后期女性主义的指导思想。

    Marxist feminism also entered China with the spreading of Marxist , and became the guiding ideology because of its class analysis in the later stage of the New Culture Movement .