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liào kào
  • shackle;bond;fetters and handcuffs;be shackled and chained;chain;manacle;iron
镣铐 [liào kào]
  • (1) [fetters and handcuffs;be shackled and chanined]∶脚镣与手铐

  • (2) [chain]∶用来监禁、限制或保护的事物

镣铐[liào kào]
  1. 那名犯人戴着镣铐,但还是逃跑了。

    The criminal was in bonds , but somehow made his escape .

  2. 很难弄断他的镣铐。

    It is difficult to break his shackles .

  3. 人质们戴着镣铐。

    The hostages were kept in chains .

  4. 有些窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐。

    Some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water .

  5. 俘虏们带着镣铐。

    The captives are wearing chains .

  6. 他戴上了镣铐。

    He was in irons .

  7. 加入WTO后,国家如何在这种两难处境中既遵守WTO规则又能基于本国利益和可持续发展的需要行使经济主权,怎样享受着戴着镣铐跳舞的自由,是我们不得不关注的问题。

    We have to pay much attention to the problem that how the parties of WTO exercise their economic sovereignty on their own interests as well as complying with the WTO rule .

  8. 对于他的诗歌,有些老生常谈的说法,比如诗歌是带着镣铐的舞蹈,让人想起希腊的群体表演(chorus),这个词有舞蹈的意思。

    There are certain clich é s about his poetry , such as that poetry is dancing in chains , which recalls the Greek chorus , meaning dance .

  9. 上了镣铐的人被赶回幽暗的地窖。

    The chained people were herded back into the dark cellar .

  10. 人质们一天23小时上着镣铐。

    The hostages were kept in chains for23 hours a day .

  11. 虽然生是自由的人,现在他却带着镣铐。没有被绳索、镣铐等限制着或者捆紧。

    Born a free man , he was now in chains .

  12. 抓获的罪犯带着镣铐列队游街示众。

    The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets .

  13. 上来三个人才给他上了镣铐。

    It took three men to put the irons on him .

  14. 许可和镣铐还是有点区别的

    Access isn 't the same as a ball and chain .

  15. 在监狱里……你只有在要去某些地方时才会被带上镣铐。

    IN PRISON ... They ball-and-chain you when you go somewhere .

  16. 囚犯用锤子打碎镣铐逃跑了。

    The prisoner broke the shackle with a hammer and escaped away .

  17. 这犯人戴着镣铐,但还是逃跑了。

    The criminal was in irons , but made good his escape .

  18. 溪涧和河川挣开了冰结的镣铐。

    And streams and rivers freed from irons of ice .

  19. 但是相反他尽镣铐所能摊开他的手。

    Instead he spread his hands as far as the fetters would allow .

  20. 这个杀人犯的双脚被套上了镣铐。

    The murderer 's legs were put in irons .

  21. 把犯人用镣铐铐住是通常的做法。

    It was common practice fo rthe prisoners to be clapped in irons .

  22. 审判期间,犯人戴着镣铐。

    The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial .

  23. 这副镣铐可为您量身打造,不收取额外费用。

    Get yours personally engraved at no extra charge .

  24. 被绳索、镣铐或者好像被绳索、镣铐所限制、束缚。

    Confined or restricted with or as if with a rope or chain .

  25. 逮捕给某人戴上镣铐;把某人逮捕入狱。

    To put in fetters or shackles ; imprison .

  26. 戴着镣铐的前行&论中国现代诗歌发展

    The First Line of Shackles & on Ancient and Modern Chinese Poetry Poetry

  27. 但是敌人的镣铐扼杀不了他骄傲的灵魂;

    But the foreman 's chains Could not bring that proud soul under ;

  28. 他们也不能给我带上镣铐。

    They can 't put chains on me though .

  29. 在中国,每个企业或者个人,都必须戴着镣铐跳舞。

    In China , every company and every individual must dance in shackles .

  30. 镣铐热的时候你就要罢工了。

    You gotta strike while the iron 's hot .
