
  1. 为了尽快稳定社会和发展生产,各个统治者都在主政初始就频繁地颁布有序利用、劝课农桑和禁止毁林等政策,林业管理均衡、全面开展。

    To stabilize the social order and develop the production as soon as possible , each rulers issued the policies to utilize forest orderly , award farming and prohibit deforestation at the beginning of regnum .

  2. 进而以此为依据并结合相关材料归纳出家庭传承、劝课农桑传承、作坊及工厂传承、学校教育传承、农业推广传承以及民俗器物传承等六种不同的模式。

    It is based on this while combining the related materials that the six different models are inducted , including family heritage , urging sericulture as tradition , workshops and factories heritage , schools and education heritage , agriculture heritage and folk objects heritage .