
  • 网络trust loan
  1. 渣打银行(StandardPoor)前不久发表报告说,预计借了大量信托贷款的开发商将会通过大幅降价或出售资产来偿债,估计房价将会平均下降10%。

    In a recent report , Standard Poor 's said it expects developers with large trust loans to meet their debts by aggressively cutting prices or selling assets , tipping average prices down 10 % .

  2. 渣打银行(Standard&Poor)前不久发表报告说,预计借了大量信托贷款的开发商将会通过大幅降价或出售资产来偿债,估计房价将会平均下降10%。

    In a recent report , Standard & Poor 's said it expects developers with large trust loans to meet their debts by aggressively cutting prices or selling assets , tipping average prices down 10 % .

  3. 证券经纪商中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp.)估计,今年将有人民币2230亿元的信托贷款到期,其中大约一半将在7月到9月之间到期,另外有2820亿元的信托贷款将在明年到期。

    Securities brokerage China International Capital Corp. estimates that about 223 billion yuan ( $ 35 billion ) of trust loans are due to mature this year , almost half of which reach maturity between July and September , with a further 282 billion yuan due next year .

  4. 我们去哪儿寻找项目来做信托贷款呢?

    Where are we going to find projects to make trust loans ?

  5. 银行信托贷款类理财产品法律问题研究

    An Analysis on the Legal Issues of Financial Products of Bank Trust and Loans

  6. 信托贷款为手头拮据的开发商提供了资金。

    Trust loans have financed cash-strapped developers .

  7. 利用离岸信托贷款结构防范海外项目的投资风险

    Use the Offshore Trustee Borrowing Structure to Minimise the Investment Risk of the Overseas Projects On Trust

  8. 不过,资产管理公司不太可能有意愿救助每一笔信托贷款。

    Still , the asset-management firms are unlikely to have the appetite to bail out every trust loan .

  9. 此外,中国还面临一个考验:是否会允许信托贷款(影子银行的一种形式)出现违约。

    And China faces a test case over whether it will allow defaults by trust loans , a form of shadow banking .

  10. 加在一起,这相当于房地产行业2011年末所有未偿信托贷款的75%。

    Combined , that represents almost 75 % of all outstanding trust financing to the property sector at the end of 2011 .

  11. 截至目前,中国从未发生信托贷款违约的事件,尽管市场的规模巨大。

    Up to now , there have been no trust loan defaults in China , despite the enormous size of the market .

  12. 但上周五发布的数字显示,信托贷款已连续5个月下降,这是自2010年以来时间最长的下滑。

    But figures released on Friday showed trust loans falling for a fifth straight month , the longest run of declines since 2010 .

  13. 这促使银行减少了发放给特定产业的贷款,而类似信托贷款之类的其他融资渠道的增长也已趋缓。

    As a result , banks have cut back on lending to certain sectors and the growth of alternative funding channels such as trust loans has slowed .

  14. 除了银行贷款,社会融资总量还包括信托贷款、委托贷款和银行承兑汇票等新类别。

    In addition to bank loans , TSF included newer categories such as trust lending , entrusted loans or credits between companies and bankers ' acceptances , to name a few items .

  15. 坏账银行的参与方式之一是在开发商破产之前进入,事实上接管信托贷款,但要求的回报更高、期限更长。

    One of the ways the bad banks get involved is by stepping in before a developer defaults , effectively taking over the trust loan , albeit with higher returns and a longer life .

  16. 它们同样也可以收购开发商的应付账款等其他债务,同时要求开发商提供抵押,这样做同样也可以让开发商腾出手来偿还信托贷款。

    They also can step in and buy a developer 's other outstanding debts-such as accounts payable - while demanding collateral in return , which similarly frees up the developer to repay its trust loan .

  17. 但是由于1月到5月的房屋销量同比下降了9%,许多开发商没有足够的收入用以支付到期的信托贷款,他们正在寻找其他资金来源。

    But with property sales between January and May down 9 % from a year earlier , many developers don 't have the income to repay maturing trust loans and are looking for cash elsewhere .

  18. 同时,采用信托贷款融资的贷款人对项目收益具有优先分配权,贷款人的利益得到优先保障,从而增强贷款银行对项目的融资信心。

    At the same time , the lenders in the TBS finance have priority in claiming the project income , which better secures their lending interest in the projects . This enhances the lender 's confidence in the project .

  19. 我们已经看到了一些信托贷款违约事件,但没有造成很大轰动,不过,已经有了两三件存款人救助的案例,但这些案例并还未显示出消除过分信贷的坚定努力。

    We 've had a few trust loan defaults that haven 't caused a big stir yet , but there have been a couple of depositor bail outs that don 't point to a determined attempt to curb the excess yet .

  20. 科利尔补充说,还有一个后续问题是信托贷款合同中“担保人和质押品构成的网络”。他发现只有32%的信托贷款曾说服借款人,将土地作为无法还款时的抵押品。

    Mr Collier added a follow-on problem was the " web of guarantees and collateral " in trust loan contracts , having found that only 32 per cent of trust loans had persuaded borrowers to pledge land as security in cases where they could not repay .

  21. 平安信托发放的贷款迄今从未出现过违约,其首席执行官童恺(TungHoi)也决心将这一纪录继续保持下去。

    Ping An Trust has never suffered a default on any of its loans , and Tung Hoi , its chief executive , is determined to keep it that way .

  22. 本集团按信托收据银行贷款安排所持有的若干存货(见附注13)

    Certain of the Group 's inventories held under trust receipts Bank loan arrangements ( see Note 13 )

  23. 这种做法通常涉及对信托公司的贷款,信托公司将这些贷款再包装成所谓的银行间资产。

    The process typically involves loans to trust companies wealth-management companies that are the biggest nonbank lenders in China that are then repackaged as so-called interbank assets .

  24. 信托公司发放贷款时,往往立刻拥有抵押资产的所有权(这种资产通常被银行当作抵押品),只有在债务清偿以后才会返还产权。

    When making a loan , trusts often take immediate ownership of the assets that would normally be posted as collateral to banks , and only transfer them back once the debt has been repaid .

  25. 据此,提出我国房地产多元化融资在近期内应选择银行贷款+房地产信托和银行贷款+房地产投资基金两种模式。

    On this basis , it is proposed that these two models of " banking loans + real estate trust " and " banking loans + real estate investment fund " should be chosen as their diversified short-term financing alternatives .

  26. 最近几个月,中国的银行业监管机构几乎已经禁止信托公司给开发商贷款续期。

    In recent months , China 's banking regulator has all but stopped trust companies from rolling over loans to developers .

  27. 信托公司将这些贷款重新打包,然后将其出售给企业,或交还银行,由其出售给客户。

    Trust companies repackaged these loans and sold them to companies or handed them back to banks for sale to customers .

  28. 影子银行业指的是不通过银行,而是通过融资公司、信托机构、民间贷款商等机构进行非法及不受监管的放贷活动。

    Shadow banking refers to illegal and unregulated lending practices through financing companies , trusts , street-side lenders or the like instead of through banks .

  29. 中央银行颁布了一个范围更广的“社会融资”方案,其中包括公司债券和一些重组的“信托”投资公司贷款。

    The central bank publishes a broader measure of " social financing ", which includes corporate bonds and some loans repackaged by " trust " companies .

  30. 通常使用的一种方式是:银行通过信托向企业发放贷款,然后将该信托资产用作抵押从另外一家银行获得短期贷款。

    A often-used method has been for a bank to make a loan to a company through a trust and then use the trust asset as collateral for a short-term loan from another bank .