- 名letters

[letter] 书信
On the Tragedy of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath throughout Birthday Letters
The letters show an eagerness , an animation .
By contrast , Jean Gu é henno , an essayist , refused absolutely to write for any outlet approved by the Germans . Instead , his opinions were pseudonymously confined to an underground newspaper , Les Lettres Franeaises , and an equally clandestine publishing house , é ditions de Minuit .
He is also the author of nonfiction books about diaries , plagiarism and letters .
Qi ju tie is a letter composed by Wang Chong in his 30th year .
His handwriting includes those engraved on steles , written in couplets and his letters .
From these letters , we can see history condition and personal mood at that time .
Lettres Persanes is an epistolary novel which reflects the advanced ideas of the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century .
An excruciating letter published in Our Navy , the Standard Publication of the U.S. Navy , Volume 13 includes the following :
That night I burned old letters from friends , picked up my son and went with my wife to a hotel .
He did not relish the idea of having people see him when he was upset ; and besides , he had a pile of correspondence to deal with .
He had his own calligraphy concept , and made a great deal of research on it , thus creating many outstanding works of calligraphy couplet , album and letters .
Research on Five Letters of Kang Youwei 's Collected in the Museum The fish , which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist , is called an oarfish .