- plaque;horizontal inscribed board;horizontal tablet with inscription

[horizontal tablet with inscription] 挂在门、墙上部的题有字的横牌
On one side of the main entrance there 's a red plaque .
The plaque illustrated in Figure 1 is an example of his work at this time .
Jane : Maybe a plaque honoring his years of service .
Yes . Look , all these stone tablets .
Inscription board : an epitome of culture quality
His handwriting includes those engraved on steles , written in couplets and his letters .
The inscriptions do present a problem .
The Form Characteristics of Inscribed Boards and Couplets in the Imperial Gardens of Qing Dynasty
How strange is this plaque ?
The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life .
They even say that there is a plaque at the entrance to the temple with Sanskrit writing .
So he gave me this , telling me it was painted by a famous calligrapher many years ago .
Above the door of this temple , there were inscribed the words : WE ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY .
Forms can be divided into plaque , couplets , hanging , folding screens and furniture , decorated several categories .
These Buddhist ideas can be reflected in the shape of the landscape paintings , sculptures , plaques , plant .
The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty .
The Introduction part defines the concept of stele custom and discusses the its significance and current situation of the study .
" The inscriptions for different places can 't be dispensed with , but neither can they be fixed in advance . "
Researching the relationship between plantscape and tablets and couplets , that would give us inspiration for plant disposition and title designing .
Horizontal inscribed boards used to be a rare flower of the Chinese traditional civilization as well as perfect calligraphies and exquisite woodcuts .
On top of the gate hung a wooden tablet with three large Chinese characters , yuan ming yuan , in the style of Kangxis calligraphy .
An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface , used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building .
Before the temple gate stands a saffron yellow screen wall . On the gate is hung a horizontal board inscribed with Gu'Han'Shan'Si or the Ancient Cold Mountain Temple .
Chapter III analyzes the different forms of stele customs conferred by concept of the ideal of life , from the physical to the spiritual extension of the form .
Garden by scholars is China civilization legacy , and should regard the cultural relic to come to be protected , and also should come to develop as the resources .
Stone and brick sculptures constitute the major characteristics of the architecture , with various records of the special customs of Tamsui on the various monuments and plaques in the temple .
Exercise is a doorway to good health . The horizontal board over the gate was inscribed by Kangxi himself with the four characters Bi'Shu'Shan'Zhuang or Mountain Villa to Escape Summer Heat .
In the complex of slate-gray Ming and Qing houses , inscribed plaques bestowed by emperors hang high in halls , epitomizing the glory and prosperity of the clan during the past century .
In this essay , the author classifies the thoughts and contents of Yinglian Bian'e and analyses their aesthetic value so as to illustrate its function in the aesthetic value of landscape architecture .
As a part of the building facade , stele customs combines sculpture , words , calligraphy as an art created by knowledge and wisdom of the people integrated the concentrated expression of artistry .