
  • 网络Information Industry;information sector
  1. 或许这就是IBM没赶上信息行业两大变化——云服务和移动——的原因。

    Maybethat 's why IBM has fallen behind in cloud services and mobile , two of the mostimportant changes in the IT world .

  2. HL7标准是目前医疗信息行业中使用最为广泛的医疗信息交换标准之一。

    HL7 is a widely-applied international standard for medical information exchange .

  3. 欧盟是我国最大的电器产品的出口对象之一,因而欧盟颁布的WEEE和ROHS指令对我国电子信息行业的影响将是巨大的。

    The European Union is one of the biggest entities to which we export our electrical appliances . Thus the WEEE and RoHS instruction issued by European Union has a great impact on our electronic industry .

  4. 由于HL7标准的广泛应用,国内外大多数厂商均采用HL7标准研发医疗信息行业相关产品,其中HL7消息解析、传输是众多医疗信息系统的核心功能。

    As HL7 standards widely used , most domestic and international manufacturers use HL7 standard to research and develop related products in medical information industry , and HL7 message parsing , transmitting are the core functions of many medical information systems .

  5. 为中国的信息行业提供一流的产品和服务。

    For China 's information industry and provide first-class products and services .

  6. 最后介绍电子信息行业风险投资项目评估的相关理论。

    Finally introduce theory of electronic information industry venture capital project evaluation .

  7. 我还对IT行业,信息行业感兴趣。

    I also IT industry , information industry and interested .

  8. 开拓国际市场,打造国际化品牌、在国际范围内开展竞争是我国电子信息行业的发展战略。

    Developing international market and strengthen its bands are Chinese enterprises strategy .

  9. 这是对艺术、设计行业和信息行业最好的诠释。

    That 's the great thing about art and design and communication .

  10. 英国关于未来图书馆信息行业的预测研究&大英图书馆《英国信息2000年》研究综述

    Future LIS forecasted by the British Library & a survey of information UK 2000

  11. 移动互联网正逐步成为信息行业发展的主流趋势及核心产业。

    The mobile Internet is gradually becoming the main trend of the information industry .

  12. 数字电视是一个广受关注且正处于快速发展阶段的行业,数字电视的发展将对整个电子信息行业的发展有重大意义。

    The development of digital television will be of great significance for the whole IT industry .

  13. 物联网是将互联网从应用角度扩展的一种信息行业概念。

    Internet of Things is to extend from the application point of view the concept of an information industry .

  14. 作为一家信息行业的从业公司,雅虎肯定需要对许多秘密加以说明。

    For a firm engaged in the information industry , Yahoo sure has a lot of secrecy to answer for .

  15. 同时,经过实证检验,本文得出了适合电子信息行业上市公司的违约点的设定。

    Simultaneously , underwent the real diagnosis examination , this article obtains violation hypothesis which has suited an electronic information profession .

  16. 丰富的电磁波资源在信息行业得到广泛应用的同时,产生的电磁干扰也会带来许多危害。

    Electromagnetic interference brings about a great deal of harms when various electromagnetic wave resources are widely used in electronic information industry .

  17. 对十五期间的地震信息行业网络建设有一定的借鉴意义。

    VPN technique is a reference to the information network construction in the earthquake industry during the period of Tenth Five-Year Plan .

  18. 中国电子信息行业在我国国民收入中占有很大的比重,对国民经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    Chinese electrics information line has a great percentage in China GDP , and plays an important role for the Chinese economics development .

  19. 信息行业对城市发展的潜在作用(协作效应、替代效应、衍生效应等)以及对城市空间扩展的影响;

    The influences of IT industry on urban spatial expansion and potential effect on urban development ( substitution effect derivation effect enhancement effect ) .

  20. 第二部分,论述了电子信息行业各个生命周期的盈余管理的动机和手段。

    In the chapter two I dissertate the earnings management 's motivation and measure in different life cycle of the electronic information trade companies .

  21. 因此,本文论述了完善规范开放式标准重要性,以及图书信息行业积极参与相关标准制定的迫切性。

    This paper therefore expounds the importance of perfecting and standardizing open standard as well as information industry 's participation in drawing up relevant standard .

  22. 近几年,电子信息行业发展迅速,简单的单片机技术正在悄悄地被功能更加强大的嵌入式技术所取代。

    In recent years , the electronic information industry develops rapidly , and the SCM technology is also gradually replaced by the more powerful embedded technology .

  23. 图书馆信息化支撑能力将成为未来图书馆的核心竞争力,是图书馆立足于信息行业的保障。

    Library informatization support ability will become the library core competitiveness in the future , and it is the safeguard that library bases on the information profession .

  24. 企业内部激励与企业效率&基于信息行业与交通运输仓储行业上市公司数据的比较分析

    On Correlations between Internal Incentives within Enterprise and Firm Efficiency & Based on an empirical study on the nexus between information technology industry and transportation and warehousing industry

  25. 电力营销的建设必须与现代信息行业的发展接轨,电力营销现代化关键在于电力营销信息化。

    The construction of electric power marketing must be line with the development of modern information industry , power marketing modernization is the key to the power marketing informationization .

  26. 本文应用此方法,以信息行业通信设备制造企业上市公司作为样本,评价上市公司的经营绩效,并分析了公司的经营状况。

    By setting example on communication equipment manufacturing companies , this thesis applies this factor analysis method to evaluate the listed companies ' performance and analyzes their operation state .

  27. 网络的产生给图书馆的发展带来了机遇和挑战,使图书馆在信息行业中的主导地位受到了冲击。

    The appearance of network brings about opportunities and challenges to the development of libraries . The dominant position of the library in the information field is also challenged .

  28. 电子信息行业作为新兴产业,以其超常规的发展速度、丰厚的回报和诱人的发展前景迅速成为一个国家或地区新的经济增长点。

    IT , a developing industry , is getting to be a new economic increasing-point of a nation or region for its super-convention speed , rich earning and boundless prospects .

  29. 本文选取沪深两市生物制药行业和电子信息行业上市公司2004年至2006年的R&D投入数据以及相关财务指标作为研究样本。

    The paper selects R & D investment data as well as financial indicators between bio-pharmaceutical industry and the electronic information industry listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2004 to 2006 .

  30. 结果表明,通信、电子信息行业的上市公司业绩情况较好,电力、机械、化工类等公司表现一般,而商业上市公司的整体经营状况不佳。

    The result indicates that firma in communication and election information had an excellent financial performance , electricity , machinery and chemistry firms showed ordinary , as business firms are not very well overall .