
  • 网络Information Retrieval
  1. 基于模糊关联的交互式Web信息检索技术

    Interactive Web Information Retrieval Technology Based on Fuzzy Association Method

  2. 一种新型的基于样本的Web信息检索技术

    A new technology on information retrieval based on samples

  3. Web信息检索技术中关联规则挖掘算法应用研究

    Research of an Association Rules Algorithm in Web Information Search System

  4. WEBService和信息检索技术在企业信息化中的应用

    Application of Web Service and Information Research & Reference Technology for Enterprise Informatization

  5. 基于Web服务和信息检索技术的信息整合方案及其应用

    Project and Application Based on Web Service and Information Search Technology for Information Integration

  6. 移动Agent的出现为信息检索技术的发展提供了一个新的研究方向。

    The emergence of Mobile Agent technology for information retrieval provides a new research direction .

  7. 基于Cover级别的中文信息检索技术的研究

    The Research to Cover Based Chinese Information Retrieval Technology

  8. Web文本挖掘作为一种有效的信息检索技术,在近几年倍受研究者的关注。

    As a kind of effective information retrieval technique , Web text mining receives much concern of researchers in recent years .

  9. 传统的信息检索技术在Web搜索领域面临一些新的挑战和难点。

    There are some new challenges and difficulties when the traditional technology of Information Retrieval ( IR ) applied to the Web Search area .

  10. 简要介绍了文本挖掘技术,并描绘了该技术在Web应用特别是信息检索技术中的重要性。

    This article gives a brief introduction on text mining and describes the importance of the application of text mining technology on Web , particularly in information searches .

  11. 交互式Web信息检索技术可根据用户反馈信息,调整和修正查询表达式,自动实现查询重构。

    Based on user feedback information , the interactive Web information retrieval technology can adjust and modify the query expression . It can automatically reconstruct the query expression .

  12. Web文本聚类与分类作为Web文本挖掘的重要手段,被广泛运用于信息检索技术,近年来倍受研究者的关注。

    Web text clustering and classification as an important means of Web text mining , information retrieval technology is widely used in recent years , much attention of researchers .

  13. Web主题检索系统作为一个将采集技术与过滤方法结合的新兴检索工具,越来越成为了Web信息检索技术的研究热点。

    As a new tool for information retrieval which is combined with filtering methods , the web topic detection is becoming a research hotspot in the web information searching .

  14. 基于结构分析的大规模WWW文本信息检索技术的研究

    Research on Key Techniques of Structure-analysis Based Large Scale WWW Text Information Retrieval

  15. 文中通过比较HTML文档和XML文档在结构和语义上的差异,阐述了XML文档在信息检索技术中的优势和XML文档必将成为新一代网页模式的趋势。

    XML document owns the advantages of information indexing and the certain tendency to become new generation page designing mode in comparison with HTML document .

  16. 传统的Web信息检索技术已无法满足人们日益增长的Web信息检索和挖掘需求,而网络挖掘技术可以弥补搜索引擎的不足。

    The traditional web information searching techniques have failed to meet people 's increasing requirement of web information searching and mining , and the web mining techniques can remedy the shortage of search engine .

  17. 随着Web搜索日益被人们接受和使用,关键字查询成为了查询文档和网页的最简单、最流行的信息检索技术。

    As the Web search engine accepted and used by more and more people , Keyword search becomes the most popular and easiest way of information retrieval technology in searching document and web pages .

  18. 对XML文档的信息检索技术进行了研究,提出了一种在向量空间模型中自动界定信息单元的检索方法。

    This paper introduces XML information retrieval technology based on Vector Space Model and presents a retrieval method which can identify suitable information unit for retrieval in vector space automatically .

  19. 目前,用户主要依赖于信息检索技术,比如基于关键字的搜索引擎,获取有用或符合个人偏好的Blog信息。

    Currently , people mainly depend on information retrieval technology , such as keyword-based search engines , to access useful or personal-like Blog information .

  20. 除此之外,页面聚类子系统能够应用于信息检索技术,页面分块子系统也能够独立应用于信息检索技术和移动设备的WEB页面分块技术。

    In addition , page clustering subsystem can be used in information retrieval technology ; page segment subsystem also can be used in information retrieval technology and segmentation of Web page for small mobile devices .

  21. 随着Internet和信息检索技术的迅猛发展,Web成为人们获取信息的重要途径,而搜索引擎则成为从Web中获取信息的重要工具。

    With the rapid development of Internet and Information Retrieval Technology , Web becomes an important approach through which users obtain the information and search engine becomes an important tool to obtain information from Web .

  22. 本文首先系统地讨论了基于XML的信息检索技术的基本原理和方法,研究了XML检索技术的发展现状,对信息检索中的树匹配理论和相关问题进行了深入探讨。

    This thesis introduces the basic theory and method about XML information retrieval , and studies the development of XML retrieval methods , especially about the tree matching theory and relative algorithms .

  23. 由于XML文档的结构化特征,对于XML文档的信息检索技术不仅要满足内容需求,还应当能够体现结构信息。

    Due to the structural characteristics of XML , the technology of information retrieval for XML documentation not only needs to satisfy the requirements of content but also structure of this information .

  24. 模糊信息检索技术及其在FOXBASE中的应用

    Fuzzy message retrieval technique and its application in FOXBASE

  25. 音频信息检索技术在IVR中的应用策略

    Application Strategy of Audio Information Retrieval Technology in IVR

  26. Context-Aware信息检索技术与模型

    Art of Context-Aware Retrieval and Modeling

  27. 本文研究了基于互联网的知识检索技术,讨论了基于Internet的Web数据挖掘和信息检索技术,分析了基于Internet的信息检索的机器学习;

    In the first part of this paper , knowledge search technology based on Internet is introduced , web data mining and information search technology based on Internet are discussed and machine learning based on Internet is analyzed .

  28. 接着对传统的信息检索技术进行了综述,分析研究了Web信息检索系统的层次分类,搜索引擎的基本结构与工作原理,探讨了搜索引擎的发展方向;

    Then it overviews the the technologies of traditional information retrieval , researches the hierarchical classifications of Web information retrieval systems ( IRS ), and the basic structure and principle of SE , probes the directions of the development of SE .

  29. 以信息检索技术为核心技术的Web搜索引擎已经成为人们从互联网发现所需信息的最依赖的工具,显示出这一领域巨大的市场价值和经济利益。

    Web search engines , which rely on information retrieval techniques , have been the most commonly used tools for people to find their information need on the Internet . Enormous amount of users show an attractive market value and economic benefits .

  30. 研究分析了Web信息检索技术与搜索引擎、Web挖掘等技术的联系和区别,探讨了Web信息检索的框架和相关评测标准。

    The article main achievement has following several : 1 、 The research analyzed Web technical the and so on information inspection technology and search engine , Web excavation relation and the difference , discussed the Web information inspection frame and the correlation evaluation standard .