
  • 网络Hypergeometric Series
  1. 基本超几何级数最早是在1748年由欧拉(Euler)开始研究。

    The basic hypergeometric series was studied essentially started in 1748 by Euler .

  2. 基本超几何级数q-模拟的几个结果

    Several results of q - analogue of basic hypergeometric series

  3. 从两个三角函数的超几何级数展开式出发,利用导数算子和对称函数,建立了众多的含有Harmonic数的无穷级数求和公式。

    The contents is as follows : 1 . Based on two hypergeometric expansion formulae of trigonometric functions , we combine their derivatives with the symmetric functions and establish numerous infinite series identities involving the harmonic numbers .

  4. Riemann-Zeta函数的超几何级数方法和组合恒等式

    Hypergeometric Series Method for Riemann-Zeta Function and Combinatorial Identities

  5. 基本超几何级数及其应用

    Basic Hypergeometric Series and Its Applications

  6. 基本超几何级数的几个估计

    The evaluations of some basic hypergeometric series the estimate for the value of series super acids

  7. 本文探讨了反演技术及其等价的形式在寻求和证明超几何级数恒等式方面的应用。

    This dissertation studies the applications of the inversion techniques and its equivalent form in finding and proving the hypergeometric series identities .

  8. 本文运用基本超几何级数求和的一个简单算法,求得一些基本超几何级数的求和公式。

    By using a simple algorithm for the summation of basic hypergeometric series , summation formulas for some basic hypergeometric series are obtained .

  9. 运用G.Gasper和M.Rahman中的算法,求得几个基本超几何级数的估计式。

    By applying the algorithm of reference works of G. Gasper and M. Rahman , the author got evaluation formula of several basic hypergeometric series .

  10. q-恒等式的证明历来受到人们的广泛关注,人们用各种各样的方法研究了q-超几何级数恒等式,对它的研究方法逐渐形成了两大类:变换的方法和反演的方法。

    The proof of q-identities has been paid a great attention . Different kinds of methods were used to study q-hypergeometric identities . So these methods were classified as two sorts , i.e. , transformation and inversion .

  11. 超高产亚亚种杂交中粳组合选育方法的探讨关于组合和的超几何级数方法

    Studies on the Breeding Way of Medium Japonica Hybrid Rice Combination between Sub subspecies with the Super high Yield