
pú cóng
  • minion;henchman;retainer;footman
仆从 [pú cóng]
  • (1) [henchman;retainer]

  • (2) 旧指跟随在身旁的仆人

  • 大人物的武装仆从不得不寻找独立的生活来源

  • (3) 从属于外界影响的东西

  • 它们并不能成为同盟者而只不过是仆从

  • (4) [footman]∶帮助管家、上菜、照看门户、搬运行李、包裹、干些跑腿差事的男仆

仆从[pú cóng]
  1. 哦,你是个不自觉的仆从。

    Oh , you are an unconscious henchman .

  2. 无论是仆从钥匙或者ATM卡,从用户角度来看都是对OAuth很好的比喻。

    Both the valet key and ATM cards are good metaphors for OAuth from a user perspective .

  3. 本文将Grahame企业声誉的理论模型运用于仆从领导文化与企业声誉管理内在关系的研究。

    This article applies Grahame 's theoretical model of corporate reputation to inherent relations between the culture of servant leadership and corporate reputation management .

  4. 两次世界大战是一个典型的例子,Anunnaki其和他们所使用的仆从让你在一定的时间线里出现灾难。

    The two world wars were a prime example of how the Anunnaki and their minions have used calamity to move you along a certain time line .

  5. 不过她嫁给的不是一个低层的仆从。

    Only now she won 't be marrying a lowly servant .

  6. 女王身边总有仆从跟随。

    The queen was always surrounded by her attendants .

  7. 他们的仆从是我先前见到的面目可憎的动物。

    Their servants were the horrible - looking animals I had seen earlier .

  8. 思考可以成为一个好的仆从,却是坏的主人

    A good servant , but a bad master

  9. 为什么不只是创造狭义人工智能仆从?

    Why not just create narrow AI servants ?

  10. 我比寄人篱下的仆从好不了多少。

    I am little better than a dependant .

  11. 我可是追随“真相”的忠实仆从。

    I 'm a slave to the truth .

  12. 他说他希望我能证明我和我的父亲一样忠心的仆从。

    He said he hoped I would prove as faithful a servant as my father .

  13. 可是房子的主人在哪儿?这些马是他的仆从吗?

    But where was the master of the house ? Were these horses his servants ?

  14. 我恐怕你必须走。他温文尔雅地回答,我的仆从会帮你造一只船。

    I 'm afraid you must , he replied gently.My servants will help you make a boat .

  15. 黑城堡曾经拥有多达五千名全副武装、鞍马齐备、仆从如云的战士。

    Once Castle Black had housed five thousand fighting men with all their horses and servants and weapons .

  16. 但他受骗为一个尸巫服务,作为回报被转化成了一个僵尸仆从。

    But he was duped into serving a lich and in return was transformed into a zombie servant instead .

  17. 卡德摩斯等到中午过不见他的仆从的踪影,就去寻找他们。

    Cadmus , having waited for the return of his men till midday , went in search of them .

  18. 这座城市被法西斯匪徒和他们的仆从们围困了900多个昼夜。

    The city had been besieged by German Fascist gangsters and their accomplices for over nine hundred days and nights .

  19. 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

    A Greek warrior , the attendant and friend of Achilles , who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War .

  20. 毕竟,我们不是谋杀者,无论那死尸仆从在他愚蠢的脑子里想象出什么。

    After all , we 're not murderers , no matter what that corpse valet dreams up in his foolish head .

  21. 骑马军士成份包括骑士仆从、富裕平民或下层贵族,其财力皆不足以购置骑士所使用的昂贵装备。

    They comprise squires , rich commoners , or lesser nobility that cannot afford the expensive armour of a real knight .

  22. 拜伦勋爵寻访希腊(当时为奥斯曼帝国的附属国)的辉煌时,随身带了五个仆从。

    When Lord Byron visited the glories of Greece ( then an Ottoman dependency ), he brought five servants with him .

  23. 仆从的阶梯是下去的最佳捷径&没有守卫,但是隐于墙内又陡又直又窄。

    The servants'steps were the quickest way down & not grand , but steep and straight and narrow , hidden in the walls .

  24. 那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。

    The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy , surrounded by candelabra decked with crape .

  25. 一个44岁的妇女在宠物店里看恐怖片子,两眼放光,嬉笑声就仆从鬼屋琅缦沔传出来的一样,乐的跟中风一样了一样,身子歪的跟蛇一样了。

    A44-year-old woman strokes snakes in a pet store , watches horror movies with wide eyed fascination and giggles her way through haunted houses .

  26. 大厅的正中央则站着侏儒和他的仆从,还有四个身着守夜人黑衣的陌生人。

    In the center of the room the dwarf stood with his servants , and four strangers in the black of the Night 's Watch .

  27. 先生们、女士们及其仆从、家具要做到自然简单,我想只有在室内就餐最能显现出来。

    The nature and the simplicity of gentlemen and ladies , with their servants and furniture , I think is best observed by meals within doors .

  28. 被遗忘者在都城的残骸下建立起了自己的基地,他们发誓要击败天灾并将克尔苏加德和他的仆从赶出大陆。

    Constructing their own bastion beneath the wrecked city , the Forsaken vowed to defeat the Scourge and drive Kel'Thuzad and his minions from the land .

  29. 她走进一间长长的屋子,可当她看到苏丹、他的大臣和众多的仆从时,害怕极了。

    She went into a long room , but when she saw the Sultan , his Vizier , and all his slaves , she was very afraid .

  30. 我可以听见宫里一片叫嚷声,仆从已经明白发生了什么事,拿来梯子往屋顶上爬。

    I could hear a lot of shouting in the palace The servants had realized what was happening , and brought ladders to climb up on to the roof .
