
pú yì
  • servant
仆役 [pú yì]
  • [servant] 仆人

仆役[pú yì]
  1. 金钱是好的仆役,坏的主人

    " Money is a good servant , but a bad master "

  2. 有一天,仆役推着罗斯福见丘吉尔。

    One day , a servant wheeled in Roosevelt to visit Churchill .

  3. 宴会气派十足,仆役众多。

    The dinner was a grand one , the servants were numerous .

  4. 过了1小时3刻钟,仆役回来了。

    In about an hour and three-quarters the boy returned .

  5. 因为他是天主的仆役,是为相帮你行善;

    They are the stewards of God for your good .

  6. 为什麽受过这样好教育的人竟甘为仆役长?

    Why should such a well-educated man settle for being a butler ?

  7. 大家庭里的主管或仆役长。

    The chief steward or butler of a great household .

  8. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。

    The butler is in charge of the wine cellar .

  9. 仆役急急走了,经理又陷入了沉思。

    The boy hastened away and the manager fell to his musings .

  10. 罗密欧立刻询问仆役那是什么名单。

    Romeo immediately questioned the servant about the list .

  11. 春季里的一天,王亮宾把他的仆役叫到跟前。

    One day in spring , Wang Liangbin called his servant to him .

  12. 一扇门开了,那仆役和男爵都消失到门里面。

    A door opened , through which the attendant and the baron disappeared .

  13. 突然,他听到他的仆役吹起了口哨。

    Suddenly , he heard his servant whistling .

  14. 我想魔君的仆役看起来会更体面、更令人厌恶。

    I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler .

  15. 这是一场晚宴的宾客名单。仆役回答道。

    It is a guest list to a banquet , @ replied the servant .

  16. 坐在第一张写字台前的一个重要职员打了一个手势,一个仆役便站起身来。

    An attendant arose at a sign from a confidential clerk at the first desk .

  17. 国王进来了,死后随着所有的仆役。

    The king came in , with all his servants following him . ( doing )

  18. 他忙命仆役推他退出大厅,好主丘吉尔穿起衣服来。

    He hastily let the servant wheel him out so that Churchill could get gressed .

  19. M代表金钱。金钱是好仆役,坏主人。

    M is for money . Money is a good servant , but a bad master .

  20. 我保证不会离开你,我永远做你的仆役。

    I promise , I will never leave you , I will always be your servant .

  21. 他们已经变成了超时间,生存在一切社会之外的神的仆役。

    They have become a super time , survival in all servants of God from society .

  22. 一个仆役向她走来。

    An office boy approached her .

  23. “不,”仆人回答道。是,先生,“仆役说道。

    " No ," came the reply . " Yes , sir ," said the boy .

  24. 居高位的人是三重的仆役:君主或国家底仆役;

    Men in great place , are thrice servants : servants of the sovereign or state ;

  25. 天地照你的安排,存到今日。万物都是你的仆役。

    They continue this day according to thine ordinances : for all [ are ] thy servants .

  26. 诗103:21你们作他的诸军作他的仆役行他所喜悦的、要称颂耶和华。

    Bless the Lord , all you His hosts , You who serve Him , doing His will .

  27. 这儿,一个瓶底承认酗酒行为,一个篮子柄叙述仆役生涯;

    There , the bottom of a bottle indicates drunkenness , a basket-handle tells a tale of domesticity ;

  28. 在17世纪末期,非洲的奴隶开始在美国南方替白人契约仆役。

    In the late seventeenth century , African slaves began to replace white indentured servants in the southern us .

  29. 他带一位随身仆役,并告诉他如果看到任何人靠近,便以口哨声示警。

    He had a servant with him and he told his servant to whistle if he saw anyone approaching .

  30. 一个被划分为程序员主宰者和仆役的社会,对占到人口大多数的仆役来说可能不那么令人愉快。

    A society divided between master-programmers and servants may not appeal to the servants , who will be the majority .
