
mò dài huánɡ dì
  • the last emperor of a dynasty
  1. 英先生因其在电影《末代皇帝》中塑造的监狱看守形象而闻名。

    Mr Ying is well-known for his portrayal of a prison guard in the film ' The Last Emperor ' .

  2. 自欺欺人的墨西哥末代皇帝的统治就此结束。

    The deluded reign of Mexico 's last Emperor was over .

  3. 中国的末代皇帝成为日本人的傀儡皇帝。

    China 's last emperor is Japanese puppet .

  4. 末代皇帝以前的宫殿在日本投降后被劫掠一空。

    The Former Palaces of the Last Emperor was looted after the Japanese surrender .

  5. 末代皇帝溥仪的骨灰被葬在八宝山。

    The ashes of Puyi , the Last Emperor , lie in the Babaoshan Cemetery .

  6. 1912年2月12日,末代皇帝溥仪退位。

    On February 12 , 1912 , the last Manchu emperor , the child Puyi , abdicated .

  7. 坐落在天津鞍山道上的“静园”曾是中国末代皇帝溥仪居住过的地方。

    It 's the place where the last emperor of China lived , located on Anshan Rd , Tianjin .

  8. 北极熊熊皮的背后隐约可见中国末代皇帝溥仪的皇服。

    The face of a polar bear pelt looms before the uniforms of China 's last emperor , Puyi .

  9. 上海青年报周一还报道《末代皇帝》的演员陈冲也加盟了剧组。

    The Shanghai Qingnian newspaper reported Monday that Joan Chen from " The Last Emperor " has also been cast .

  10. 奥托·冯·哈布斯堡大公,奥匈帝国末代皇帝之子于7月4日逝世,享年98岁。

    Archduke Otto von Habsburg , son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor , died on July 4th , aged 98 .

  11. 执导了《巴黎最后的探戈》和《末代皇帝》的意大利导演贝尔纳多·贝托鲁奇在罗马去世,享年77岁。

    Bernardo Bertolucci , Italian director of Last Tango in Paris and The Last Emperor , has died in Rome , aged 77 .

  12. 2002年,以中国末代皇帝的生活为基础,与在中国沈阳的辽宁芭蕾舞团一起,他创作了末代皇帝与我。

    In2002 he created The Last Emperor and I , based on the life of the last Emperor of China , with the Liaoning Ballet in Shenyang , China .

  13. 芙蓉三冠之主峰“南岩”,相传南宋末代皇帝就是从此峰跳下自杀的地方,颇有点“江南景山”的味道。

    Hibiscus three of the highest peak " Nanyan ," Legend has it that the Southern Song Dynasty Last Emperor suicide jumped from the peak , quite points ," Jiangnan Jingshan " flavor .

  14. 凭借执导和共同创作《末代皇帝》而获得两次奥斯卡奖的他,以大胆的视觉风格和在《巴黎最后的探戈》里直接的性描写所引发的争议而闻名。

    Winner of two Oscars , for directing and co-writing The Last Emperor , he was known for his bold visual style and the controversy stoked by Last Tango in Paris 's explicit sexual content .

  15. 他那曲折的一生和美好的结局,在古今中外的“末代皇帝”中都是罕见而独特的,因而倍受世人瞩目。

    His complicated whole life and final good ending were rere and unique among " last emperors " in China or other countries of modern and ancient times , which makes the focus of world attention .

  16. 一方面,它希望被看作辛亥革命始于1911年10月,到1912年2月末代皇帝溥仪下台时结束的守卫者。

    On the one hand it wants to be seen as the guardian of the revolution that began in October 1911 and ended with the abdication of Puyi , the last emperor of China , in February 1912 .

  17. 迫于人口增长的压力和对原材料的需求,日本在1931年9月夺取了东北三省,并胁迫前清末代皇帝溥仪建立了满洲国傀儡政府。

    Hungry for raw materials and pressed by a growing population , Japan initiated the seizure of Manchuria in September 1931 and established ex - Qing emperor Puyi as head of the puppet regime of Manchukuo in 1932 .

  18. 门较低处是石头,上头有凤凰楼,这里是古代皇室偶尔会来的地方,这里也是末代皇帝于1945年退位让给胡志明革命军政府的地方。

    The lower part of the gate is stone , while on top is the " belvedere of the five phoenixes " where the emperor appeared on important occasions , and where the last emperor abdicated to Ho Chi minh 's revolutionary government in1945 .

  19. 从公元前221年秦始皇统一六国到1912年末代皇帝退位,中国历经了二十多个朝代,产生了四百多位帝王,其中只有一位女性。

    From 221 BC , when Qin Shi Huang , the first emperor , united the warring states , to the end of the last emperors rule in 1912 , China had over 20 dynasties and more than 400 emperors , only one of them female .

  20. 他发现这位皇帝竟然是个高度近视这位末代皇帝也因此遭受严重的头疼困扰但是皇帝身边的总管们却不允许他戴眼镜,因为他们认为眼镜是个现代的、

    Reginald Johnston is coming into the Forbidden City he realises that the Last Emperor has a very heavy short-sight The Last Emperor is suffering from very severe headaches because of this But the administration around him , they wont allow him to have glasses because they think it is a very modern ,