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  1. 上世纪末我国开始对SOFTTEMPEST技术进行研究,主要集中在SOFTTEMPEST字符(汉字)。

    At the end of the last century the research started and mostly focused on SOFT TEMPEST Characters ( Chinese characters ) in our country .

  2. 20世纪末我国期刊管理工作的研究进展

    Advance in the Study of Journal Management Work at the End of the 20th Century in China

  3. 十一五末我国高速公路里程达到7.41万公里,居世界第二位。

    At the end of 2010 , national highway reaches 74100 kilometers , ranking second in the world .

  4. 20世纪末我国高校文献检索教学工作的研究进展

    Literature retrieval teaching in Chinese colleges and universities in the end of the 20th Century : its research advances

  5. 本文在预测了本世纪末我国铁矿石进口的基础上构筑了其海运网络。

    A sea shipping network is constructed based on the prediction of importation of iron ore in China within this decade .

  6. 本世纪末我国燃煤电厂年排灰渣量将达到1.9亿t,如何贮放和利用大量的灰渣是一个涉及许多学科的复杂问题。

    About 190 million tons of coal ash will be produced annually by coal-burning power plant in China by the end of this century .

  7. 而在我国,这还是一个刚刚起步的崭新领域,90年代末我国学者才开始了对媒介素养教育的研究。

    In China , this is a new area , has just developed . Until 1990s , scholars in china started on media literacy education research .

  8. 自从上个世纪末我国实施高校扩招政策以来,在校大学生的数量迅速增多。

    Since the Chinese government is implementing the policy of college expansion at the end of last century , the number of college students increased rapidly .

  9. 20世纪末我国进行了学前教育体制改革,将学前教育的办学体制逐渐转变为依托社会力量发展学前教育。

    In the late twentieth century , our country carried on the revolution of preschool education system , with the social forces as the main source .

  10. 自七十年代末我国开始实行计划生育政策以来,我国的人口快速增长的局面得到了有效的控制,新增人口数量不断的下降。

    Since the late seventies when we carried out the family planning policy , the situation of swift growth in population had been controlled effectively , while the additional population declined .

  11. 20世纪末我国的城市营销之路正式开启,在此背景下,城市形象片也应运而生。

    At the end of the twentieth Century , Chinese city marketing road officially opened , in this context , the city image films have also emerged as the times required .

  12. 70年代女作家的小说创作是20世纪末我国女性写作不可忽视的文学现象之一。

    The novels of the female writers bora in 1970 's ( called " 70 's " for short ) is an important part in the female writing in the 20th century .

  13. 融资租赁是国内航空公司通用的飞机采购方式,这种具有中国特色的飞机融资方式,在二十世纪末我国基础建设资金短缺的背景下成为国内航空公司飞机引进的主要融资方式。

    Finance lease is a common domestic airlines aircraft procurement and the introduction of the major domestic airlines aircraft financing with Chinese characteristics in the context of the end of the twentieth century .

  14. 从上世纪70年代末我国开始将计算机运用于会计工作开始,直至二十多年后的今天,我国核算型会计软件市场已趋于成熟,国内会计软件开发商纷纷转战所谓管理型会计软件市场。

    Since computer technology has been applied in accounting at the end of 1970s , until now , the market of accounting software for business accounting became mature , most of the accounting software suppliers contended with each other for the market of management accounting software .

  15. 第一章重点揭示了中华人民共和国成立后至20世纪末我国分科科学课程设计的特点和成败经验,并对建国前我国科学教育与科学课程设计状况进行了简要回顾。

    Chapter 1 focuses on characteristics and experience of subject science curriculum design in China from the foundation of P.R. C to the end of 20th century , and gives a brief review of science education and science curriculum design before the foundation of P.R. C as well .

  16. 正是得益于旅游业所具有的和平外交潜能,并伴随改革开放所带来的旅游业兴起,上个世纪末我国旅游外交在纵、横两个方向的发展中,逐步成长并最后形成。

    It is because of the potentiality of peaceful diplomacy tourism has and the booming of tourism industry brought about by the reform and opening-up that Chinese tourism diplomacy has last formed through the development of both the vertical and the horizontal by the end of last century .

  17. 但是由于城乡发展的长期不协调,20世纪末我国出现了严重的三农问题。人力资源质量的改进是经济增长的一个源泉,解决我国三农问题关键之一就是要促进农村人力资本发展。

    However , due to the disparity between the rural and urban development , " Three Rural Issues " ( agriculture , peasants and rural areas ) emerged at the end of 20th century . " Improvement of the quality of human resources is a source of economic growth " .

  18. 日本落叶松(Larixkaempferi)自19世纪末引入我国以来一直倍受林业研究者的关注和重视。

    Larix Kaempferi is a kind of tree which the forest experts draw attention to since it was introduced into China at the end of 19 century .

  19. 在教育实践中,应注意把两者有机结合起来。日本落叶松(Larixkaempferi)自19世纪末引入我国以来一直倍受林业研究者的关注和重视。

    In school 's education practice , we should draw attention to link them organically . Larix Kaempferi is a kind of tree which the forest experts draw attention to since it was introduced into China at the end of 19 century .

  20. 20世纪70年代末,我国进入新的社会转型时期。

    At the end of 1970s , China entered into the new social transformation period .

  21. 到本世纪末,我国将成为一个社会主义现代化强国。

    By the end of this century , our countrywill have become a powerful socialist country .

  22. 70-90年代末中(国)印(度)教育投资效率效益的分析比较

    The comparison on the efficiency and benefit of education investment between China and India in 70-90s

  23. 到上世纪五十年代末,我国出现了真正的剪纸动画片。

    In the late fifties of the last century , the real paper-cutting animation appears in our country .

  24. 20世纪末,我国开始了新中国成立以来的第八次基础教育课程改革。

    At the end of the 20th century , the 8th curriculum reform took place in our country .

  25. 截至2005年一季度末,我国个人住房抵押贷款余额已经达到16743.7亿元,成为商业银行的主要贷款业务之一。

    Besides , up to April 2005 the mortgage balance has attained as much as RMB 1674.37 billion .

  26. 根据相关的数据统计表明:到十一五末,我国农民工总数已达2.42亿人。

    According to relevant statistics show that , at present , a total of about 2 million migrant workers .

  27. 至上世纪末,我国开始的一系列银行案件,大多都与操作风险相关。

    Until the end of last century , many of law cases in China banks have been related to operation risk .

  28. 上个世纪末,我国油田开始了聚合物驱油的大规模工业化应用。

    Polymer flooding has been gained industrialized application on large scale in the Chinese oil field since the bottom of last century .

  29. 20世纪末,我国社会从传统社会向现代化社会转型进入了新的阶段。

    At the end of 20th century , our society has moved from traditional society into a new stage & the modern society .

  30. 20世纪末,我国就已经步入了老龄化社会,且老龄化速度发展很快。

    China has already entered old aging society at the end of 20th century . The speed of aging up is quite rapid .