
  1. 而一到了为每年生产商品采集羊绒时,奢华针织品制造商布鲁奈罗・库奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)就会将员工与进口商一道派去会见蒙古牧羊人。

    Luxury knitwear maker Brunello Cucinelli sends employees along with importers to meet with Mongolian shepherds when selecting cashmere for its annual production .

  2. 雷神、雷法与清微道派研究

    A Study on the Thunder God , the Thunder Rites and the Qingwei Sect

  3. 新出现的这三个道派都与墨学有着千丝万缕的联系,尤其是全真道具有鲜明的墨家色彩。

    The three newly appeared Taoism had countless ties with Mohism , especially the Quan-zhen Taoism had the distinctive features of Mohist .

  4. 元代道派的分衍与创新,道教传播范围的拓展,道教史家素质的提高等因素,促使道教史籍在元代得到长足发展。

    The evolution and innovation , the wide spread of the Taoism , and the improvement of the Taoism historian quality urged the rapid improvement for the Taoism history books in Yuan Dynasty .

  5. 因此,人们产生了如下想法:把这些难以理解的合约置于一个中央清算平台,对它们加以恰当的监控,即使在恐慌时期也能照样结算。如今,这样的想法已变成一道监管苹果派。

    Thus the idea of putting these opaque contracts into a central clearing forum , where they can be properly monitored and settled even amid a panic , has now turned into the regulatory equivalent of apple pie .

  6. 这下好啦,没有桂皮粉我那道著名的苹果派怎么做?

    Well , how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon ?

  7. 嘉道年间经世派社会救助思想和活动研究

    Study on the Social Relief Ideas of Scholar Reformers during Jia-Dao Period of Qing Dynasty

  8. 他反驳道那是一派胡言乱语。第二、名词精讲

    He retorted that it is nonsense .

  9. 中国古代的思想,大致分为儒、道、佛三派,属于不同思想流派的士,其政治态度也完全不同。

    Ancient Chinese thoughts can be roughly classified into three schools : Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  10. 著名的国务卿建议道。副总统派翠基接着说:“啊,总统先生,您为什么不丢五十张一元钞票,好让五十个人高兴呢?”

    suggested his celebrated Secretary of State Vice President Partridge caught on . " Golly , Mr.President , why don 't you throw fifty singles and make fifty people happy ? "

  11. 鸦片战争前后,道咸经世派针对当时严重的社会道德危机提出了“整肃人心”的思想。

    During and after Opium War , the time-saving school of Daoguang and Xianfeng put forward a doctrine to screw up public trend with a view to relieving the then serious moral crisis .

  12. 道非道:美国垮掉派诗人与佛禅

    " The Trail is Not a Trail ": American Beat Poets and Zen Buddhism