
  • 网络Taoist mountain;Famous Taoism mountains
  1. 武当山,坐落于湖北西南部。这座道教名山是武当功夫的发源地。

    The Wudang Mountain , located in northwestern Hubei Province , is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts .

  2. 这一时期的道教方志基本上是由道士撰写,仅局限于少数道教名山。

    During this period , Taoist Chorography was only wrote by Taoist , and was limited to a few of the famous Taoist mountain .

  3. 游览山东道教名山

    Tour Mountains Famous for Taoism in Shandong

  4. 如果说山东境内的道教名山建筑风格与众不一的话,那么应该是平邑之北的蒙山了。

    If there really exists a representative Taoist architectural style in Shandong Province , it would be the buildings found on Mount .

  5. 突出道教名山特色加速发展武当旅游&关于武当旅游的调查报告

    Enhancing the Taoist Features and Accelerating the Development of the Tours to the Wudang Mountains ── An Investigation Report on the Tours to Wudang Mountains

  6. 崂山是我国著名的道教名山,也是沿海第一高山,享有海上名山第一的美誉,其独特的地理环境和璀璨的道教文化使其在中国名山中独树一帜。

    As one of famous Taoist mountains in China , Mt. Lao Shan is also the highest coastal mountain in China . Mt. Lao Shan enjoys the reputation of The Most Famous Sea Mountain , which made itself unique for the special geographical environment and brilliant culture of Taoism .

  7. 崆峒山为道教历史名山。

    Kongtong is a famous place in the history of Taoism .

  8. 名山宫观的规划布局与道教义理&以长江流域的道教名山为例

    The Planning and Taoist Doctrine of Temples in Famous Mountains