
dào guàn
  • Taoist temple;Taoist abbey
道观 [dào guàn]
  • [Taoist temple] 道教的庙

道观[dào guàn]
  1. 啊,这不就是一座道观嘛?

    Oh , isn 't this a Taoist temple ?

  2. 这是道观,叫清音阁。

    It is a Taoist temple , called Qingyin Pavilion .

  3. 孔子与苏格拉底师道观比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Confucius ' and Socrates'on Being a Teacher

  4. 释道观与王维山水田园诗

    The Thoughts of Buddhism and Tao and the Landscape and Pastoral Poetry by Wang Wei

  5. 后来,我们去道观溜达了一圈。

    Then we visited a Taoist temple .

  6. 要复归此种教育精神,尤应重塑师逆/尊严,这也是钱先生在师道观中论述的重点。

    It is essential to rebuild dignity of the teaching profession in order to recover this spirit .

  7. 其中佛寺和道观除宗教的功能性外其游赏功能也更强。

    In addition to the functionality of religion , Buddhist temple and Taoist temple have stronger tourism function .

  8. 以道观法&《道与中国法律传统》读后

    To View Law in the Perspective of " Tao " & Reaction to Dao and Chinese Legal Tradition

  9. 中国的寺庙园林主要由佛寺、道观、纪念性宗庙祠堂构成。

    Chinese monastery gardens mainly consist of Buddhist temple , Taoist temple and Jongmyo ancestral hall of the memorial .

  10. 庄子的道观是一种宇宙观,就是从宇宙的巨视看待问题和人生的方法。

    We can draw the conclusion that Zhuang zi 's Taoism aims to treat problems from the cosmic viewpoint .

  11. “我很少离开这座道观,”道长说道。“世上的事情我并不知晓。”

    " I rarely leave this temple ," said the Teacher . " I do not follow current events . "

  12. 你们所在的道观是否可以成为培训中心,教导用于房屋建造、绘画、雕刻和景观美化等的传统和可持续性方法。

    Could your monasteries and temples become training centres for traditional and sustainable methods of building , painting , carving and landscaping ?

  13. 本文借用韦伯的分类方法,对中国的传统政治的正当性形态作了分疏及解释,并把儒家的政道观系统化。

    This paper applies weber 's categorization to the legitimacy analysis of Chinese traditional polities and the systematization of Confucian Politico-Moral theory .

  14. 最近几年,道教徒们发起了一次合法的抵制活动,针对那些企图进一步控制二王庙道观的省级官员们。

    In recent years , Taoists have waged a legal battle against provincial officials who have sought greater control over the site .

  15. 许多道观有小型的园林,建在山里的园林与周围的风景非常协调。

    Many Daoist temples have a small garden . In hilly areas , these gardens have been built in harmony with surrounding landscape .

  16. 所以,为了消解道德悖论,就必须转识成智,对于道德行为做到“以道观之”。

    In order to clear up moral paradoxes , we should leap from knowledge to wisdom ; observe moral acts from " Tao " .

  17. 清末民初,广州地区依然存在大量的寺院、道观以及各种民间信仰庙宇。

    Between the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China , Guangzhou still had massive religious temples and various folk belief temples .

  18. 本文试图用史论结合的方法,具体论述唐太宗君道观产生的原因、内容及影响和具体实践情况。

    This paper try to use a combination of methods , discusses the cause of the ideology of monarchical rule , effect and concrete practice .

  19. 唐代壁画内容涉及有宫殿、石窟、寺庙、道观、庭院、墓室,呈现气势磅礴、优雅精美、色彩艳丽。

    Tang Dynasty murals covering palaces , caves , temples , Taoist , courtyard , tomb , showing magnificent , elegant and beautiful , colorful .

  20. 君道观在中国古代可谓源远流长,从夏商周时期起便已经产生。

    The ideology of monarchical rule has a long history in ancient China . Since Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties it have been generated .

  21. 为此,我们应转变传统的师道观,树立教师服务观,以适应时代的需要。

    Therefore , the traditional perception of teachers should be changed and the sense of service should be established so as to meet the requirement of times .

  22. 这种性质和逻辑,体现在儒家思想的天道观人(仁)道观政道观这一基本框架体系中。

    This kind of nature and logic is reflected in the basic frame system of Confucianism 's natural law , humanities ' law ( benevolence ) and political law .

  23. 很多时候,词人都将作品题写在亭台楼阁、驿站邮亭、僧寺道观的墙壁及桥梁道路的柱石上,供来往行人观览传播。

    The authors were often likely to write their works on the walls of pavilions , ancient post-houses , temples and houses for Taoist and stones beside bridges and roads .

  24. 提出道观园林的概念,阐述了道观园林和道教的关系,提出了研究道观园林的意义。

    A definition of Landscape in Taoist Temple is proposed , so is the significance of the study on it , and the relationship between it and Taoism is described .

  25. 在中国,有关部门称“假”和尚沿街乞讨的问题迫使他们创建一个在线注册网站,登记所有真正的寺庙和道观的信息。

    In China , authorities said the problem of " fake " monks begging in the streets prompted them to create an online registry of all actual Buddhist and Taoist sites .

  26. 先秦道家以道观生,察生命起源,明人生自然、人是自然动物,反对仁义,崇尚无为,追求超越生死转换的长生久视;

    Taoism before Qin dynasty saw about life by Tao , took human being for natural creature , was against Ren and Yi , and approved of inaction and aspired after eternal life .

  27. 本文以泰山王母池道观为中心,通过认清王母池是什么,进而探讨王母池作为庙宇的特质:神圣性。

    This paper , taking Wangmuchi temple in Mountain Tai as center , tries to explain what Wangmuchi is and then further explore the idiosyncrasy of Wangmuchi as a temple , which is sacredness .

  28. 唐代妇女选择守节之地,视其家庭状况与个人具体情形而有所不同,一般居于夫家,也有的回到娘家,或者进入寺院道观等其他地方。

    Women chose chastity depending on their family status and personal circumstances varied the general living in the family , and some returned home , or to enter the Taoist temples and other places .

  29. 城市规划中较为重视园林景观的营建,寺院道观是本区城镇内部景观的重要特色。

    Comparatively pay attention to the construction of the view of the garden in the urban planning , the Taoist temples and Buddhist temples is the important characteristic of the view within the cities and towns .

  30. 不仅整个皇城,西郊的三山五园、散布京城的皇家寺院道观以及各地的行宫等,更与故宫有着异乎寻常的关系。

    Not only the Imperial City , Five Park and Three Mountains of the west , spread in the capital of the royal monastery , Taoist and around the palace , also has a bizarre relationship with the Forbidden city .