
  • 网络Icy Road
  1. 我想在道路结冰前回家。

    I 'd like to get home before the roads glitter over .

  2. 地方政府有责任在道路结冰时撒上盐和沙砾。

    Local governments are responsible for salting and gritting roads as they freeze .

  3. 近10年黑龙江省道路结冰的发展趋势及其与温度的关系

    Study on Relationship between the Developmental Tendency of Ice Roads and Its Temperature during Recent Ten Years in Heilongjiang Province

  4. 北京市气象台在上周日发布了道路结冰黄色预警,暴风雪蓝色预警。

    Beijing Meteorological Station on Sunday issued a yellow alert for icy road , followed a blue alert for blizzard .

  5. 昨天高速路上发生的连环撞车是一场罕见的意外,因为当时道路结冰了,而且又有大雾。

    The pile up of cars on the motorway yesterday was a freak accident caused by a combination of icy roads and fog .

  6. 这是一种费用高昂的做法,实际上最好是能够避免道路结冰。

    It 's a costly process , best avoided if the roads are not , in fact , going to freeze at all .

  7. 一些的理事会开始用完道路防结冰用的盐的供应。

    Some councils have begun to run out of supplies of salt for gritting .

  8. 在我国,冬季降雪使得道路积雪结冰的问题非常严重,它不但影响交通安全,同时也影响了道路的运输效率和经济发展。

    In China , the winter snowfall makes the road pavement a very serious problem ; it affects not only safety , but also affected the efficiency of road transport and economic development .

  9. 道路可能会结冰,所以一定要注意安全驾驶。

    Make sure to drive safely as the roads are likely to be icy .

  10. 冬季降雪使许多公路与城市道路出现积雪结冰的问题非常严重,路面结冰不仅影响行车安全,同时也降低了道路的通行能力和运输效率,给我国道路安全和经济发展带来了严重的影响。

    Winter snowfall makes road pavement appeared snow icy phenomenon seriously , which not only affects the traffic safety , but also affects the traffic capacity of the road transport efficiency , brought serious influence and road safety and economic development of our country .